Lohmannella lamellipes Newell, 1984

Diagnosis. Corneae absent. Glp-1 posterior to Ds-1. Ds-2 on membranous cuticle. Ds-3 on margin of PD. One or 2 dorsal setae on PE. Female with 14 Pgs and 8 Sgs. P-2 with 4 or 5 ventral spines. Tr III with 1 seta; Bf III with 3 setae; Tf III with 8 setae; Gn III with 5 (?) setae; Tb III with 7 (?) setae, Tb I with 6 Bp ventral setae. Lc I smooth, without accessory process. Idiosoma length 466 in female. Idiosoma width 360 in female. Ratio of P-2 to P-1 2.82.

Remarks. The species is characterized by distinctly reticulated dorsal plates, several ventral spines on P-2, and well developed lamellae on all legs. Female is known.

Habitat. Littoral zone: Sands in kelp holdfast.

Distribution. South Pacific Ocean: Punta Arenas [Chile].

Reference. Newell (1984).

Depository. USNMNHW.