Trianguloscalpellum regium (Wyville Thomson, 1873)

Scalpellum regium Wyville Thomson, 1873: 347 (description only, non figs 1, 2 = Trianguloscalpellum ovale [Hoek, 1883]).

Trianguloscalpellum regium – Zevina 1978: 1350. — Young 1998a: 28, figs 20-22 (with synonymy); 1998b: 44; 1998c: 111, fig. 2c.

MATERIALEXAMINED. — BENGAL 2, stn 13078#27, 48°47.26’N, 16°34.01’W to 48°48.67’N, 16°31.76’W, 4844 m, 1 specimen, tl (cl) 56.8 (34.2) mm (MNHN Ci 2879).

BENGAL 3, stn 13200#93, 48°50.55’N, 16°25.30’W, 4844 m to 48°47.46’N, 16°30.42’W, 4849 m, 1 specimen, tl (cl) 71 mm (MNRJ 13917).

BENGAL 6, stn 13627#11, 48°47.82’N, 16°40.37’W, 4847 m, 2 specimens, tl (cl) 27.0 (20.7) to 27.9 (20.8) mm (MNHN Ci 2880, MNRJ 13878).


The taxonomy of Trianguloscalpellum regium was recently reviewed (Young 1998a: 28). This species has been reported from all the oceans, but probably this distribution encompasses more than one species (Young 1998a). It is frequently recorded from the abyssal plain of the North Atlantic.