Meteorological and Ground observations

Monitoring data of the study area and the national weather stations surrounding the study area


Meteorological observations Observation of meteorological factors was conducted at two permanent meteorological stations (Golmud and Wudaoliang) and one field meteorological station (Xidatan) with daily meteorological records. All three meteorological stations contain ground observations.

Ground observations The ground temperature and moisture data from the near-surface to within 270 cm in the active layer were recorded. In situ ground observations were deployed starting in July 2013 using thermocouple probes (105T, Campbell Scientific) to measure the soil temperature and using 11 time-domain reflectometer (TDR) probes (model CS615-L, Campbell Scientific) to measure the soil volumetric water content.


Theme: Permafrost slope; Permafrost engineering; Freeze-thaw; hydrological-thermal-Deformation; Qinghai-Tibet plateau
Discipline: cryosphere; In-situ monitoring data
Places: Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor; Kunlun Mountain Pass close to Hoh Xil Nature Reserve

Data details

Coordinate Reference System: -
Filesize: ~ 12 M
Data format: CSV, EXCEL XLSX, TXT, dat

Space scope

      West:90°3′30″	-	East:90°3′55″


Table 1. Observations period of datasets.

Data Type Location Period File Names
Meteorological observations Golmud station 1955-2018 Meteo_52818_Golmud_1955-2010.dat;Meteo_52818_Golmud_2010-2018.xlsx
Meteorological observations Xidatan station 2014-2018 Meteo_00000_Golmud_2014-2019.xlsx
Meteorological observations Wudaoliang station 1956-2018 Meteo_52908_Wudaoliang_1956-2010.dat;Meteo_52908_Wudaoliang_2010-2018.xlsx
Ground observations Study Area 2014-2019 GT00000_Slopes_2014-2019.xlsx
Ground observations Golmud station 1955-2018 GT52818_Golmud.txt
Ground observations Xidatan station 2014-2018 Meteo_00000_Xidatan_2014-2019.xlsx
Ground observations Wudaoliang station 1956-2018 GT52908_Wudaoliang.txt


Table 2. Ground data Metadata of meteorological stations data. The file name with ‘GT’ is ground observation data.

ID Variable Type Field Name Unit Description
1 1 Station ID Number(5) V01000
2 5 Year Number(4) V04001 Year
3 6 Month Number(2) V04002 Month
4 7 Day Number(2) V04003 Day
5 32 Evaporation Number(6) V13241 0.1mm evaporation
6 53 average ground temperature at 0 cm Number(6) V12240 0.1℃ GT_0_AVG
7 54 daily maximum ground temperature at 0 cm Number(6) V12213 0.1℃ GT_0_MAX
8 56 daily minimum ground temperature at 0 cm Number(6) V12214 0.1℃ GT_0_MIN
9 58 average ground temperature at 5 cm Number(6) V12240_005 0.1℃ GT_5_AVG
10 59 average ground temperature at 10 cm Number(6) V12240_010 0.1℃ GT_10_AVG
11 60 average ground temperature at 15 cm Number(6) V12240_015 0.1℃ GT_15_AVG
12 61 average ground temperature at 20 cm Number(6) V12240_020 0.1℃ GT_20_AVG
13 62 average ground temperature at 40 cm Number(6) V12240_040 0.1℃ GT_40_AVG
14 63 average ground temperature at 50 cm Number(6) V12240_050 0.1℃ GT_50_AVG
15 64 average ground temperature at 80 cm Number(6) V12240_080 0.1℃ GT_80_AVG
16 65 average ground temperature at 160 cm Number(6) V12240_160 0.1℃ GT_160_AVG
17 66 average ground temperature at 320 cm Number(6) V12240_320 0.1℃ GT_320_AVG

Table 3. Meteorological Metadata of meteorological stations data. The file name with ‘Meteo’ is Meteorological observation data.

ID Variable Type Unit Description
1 1 Station ID Number(5)
2 5 Year Number(4) Year Year
3 6 Month Number(2) Month Mon
4 7 Day Number(2) Day Day
5 32 daily mean air temperature at 2 m Number(6) 0.1℃ Temperate
6 53 maximum air temperature at 2 m Number(6) 0.1℃ Tmax
7 54 minimum air temperature at 2 m Number(6) 0.1℃ Tmin
8 56 average wind speed Number(6) 0.1℃ Wind
9 58 average precipitation Number(6) 0.1mm Precip
10 59 Corrected average precipitation Number(6) 0.1℃ Corrected_P
11 60 Evaporation Number(6) 0.1mm Evaporation
12 61 Air humidity Number(6) % Humidity
13 62 Air pressure Number(6) 0.1Pa Press
14 63 sunshine time Number(6) 0.1h Sunshine
15 64 average ground temperature at 0 cm Number(6) 0.1℃ GT

Article DOI


Luo, L., Zhuang, Y., Zhang, M., Zhang, Z., Ma, W., Zhao, W., Zhao, L., Wang, L., Shi, Y., Zhang, Z., Duan, Q., Tian, D., and Zhou, Q.: An integrated observation dataset of the hydrological-thermal-deformation dynamics in the permafrost slopes and engineering infrastructure in the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2020.


  • TDR: Time-domain Reflectometer
  • TLS: Terrestrial Laser Scanning
  • UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • RGB: Red-Green-Blue
  • TIR: Thermal Infrared
  • InSAR: Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
  • MAAT: Mean Annual Air Temperature
  • MAGST: Mean Annual Ground Surface Temperature

Data resource provider

Lihui Luo
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Yanli Zhuang
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Mingyi Zhang
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Zhongqiong Zhang
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wei Ma
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wenzhi Zhao
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Lin Zhao
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Li Wang
Qinghai Institute of Meteorological Science

Yanmei Shi
32016 PLA Troops

Ze Zhang
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Quntao Duan
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Deyu Tian
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Qingguo Zhou
Lanzhou University

Data Sources and Terms of Use

The use of data is conditional on citing the original data sources. Full details on how to cite the data are given at the top of each page. For research projects, if the data are essential to the work, or if an important result or conclusion depends on the data, co-authorship may need to be considered. Permafrost engineering and slope monitoring facilitate the acquisition of data to encourage its use and promote understanding of the potential impact of freeze-thaw cycles on Permafrost engineering. Respecting original data sources is key to help secure the support of data providers to enhance, maintain and update valuable data.


Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41871065), the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (41825015), the Key Research Project of Frontier Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences (QYZDJ-SSW-DQC040), and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA19090122).


Apache License 2.0


Dr. Lihui Luo
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

updated: 2021/04/14