1. Cuticular ground colour pale white, head and Th. II dark purple................................................................. P. heterochros sp. nov. Cuticular ground colour pale or grey, head and Th. II not dark purple..... 2
2. Tenaculum scaled, with eight setae on average............................ 3 Tenaculum unscaled, with one or two setae............................... 4
3. Tibiotarsus with up to 6, 8, 10 blunt setae............ P. longicornis (Müller) Tibiotarsus with 0, 0, 2 blunt setae........................ P. beckeri Börner
4. Basal tooth on mucronal dorsal lamella with a toothlet...... P. borealis Yosii Basal tooth on mucronal dorsal lamella without toothlet.................. 5
5. Maxillary lamella 5 with long beard-like appendix.... P. flavescens (Tullberg) Maxillary lamella 5 without distinct beard-like appendix...... P. mai sp. nov.