Iteaphila beringiensis sp. nov.

(Figs 11, 21, 27, 28) 6E364149-1C78-402C-83DB-FE30AC2716B4

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, labelled [printed in Cyrillic, Russian]: “[RUSSIA] Nizhnie Kresty [now Chersky, 68°46′N 161°20′E]/ Kolyma, Yakutia/ Gorodkov[1]963”; “shore, on inflorescences of willow”; “ Iteaphila / beringiensis/ Sinclair & Shamshev [red label]” (ZIN). PARATYPES: CANADA. Northwest Territories: Aklavik [68°13′13″N 135°00′42″W], 7–, O. Bryant (6 ♂, 5 ♀, CAS). Yukon: Ivvavik NP, 69.169°, -140.167°, tundra, MT,, A. Baetz, BIOUG16789 -C09 (1 ♂, barcoded, CBG); Rampart House [67°25′26″N 140°59′00″W],, J.E.H. Martin (2 ♂, 1 ♀, CNC). MONGOLIA. Khövsgöl Aimag, Khövsgöl Nuur (lake) area, E side, Noyon gol (stream), 51 km E Khankh, 51°12′11″N 100°47′41″E, 1669 m,, G.K. Gelhaus, B. Namkhaidorj (1 ♂, 1 ♀, ANSP). RUSSIA. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: West Chukotka, nr Pevek (7 km S, dam), 69°38′N 170°15′E,, O.A. Khruleva (3 ♂, 2 ♀, ZIN); Western Chukotka, lower flow of Apapelgin River, 69°48′N 170°39′E, biotope 23,, O.A. Khruleva (1 ♀, ZIN); Pevek, 24 km SE, 150 m, willow in valley, 1.vii.1963, Gorodkov (2 ♀, ZIN). Krasnoyarskiy Territory: Taimyr, 114 km from Khatanga along Katuy River, 14 m, 71.4°N 103°E,, A. Barkalov (1 ♂, ZIN); Taimyr, 114 km from Khatanga over Kotuy River, 14 m, 71.4°N 103°E,, A. Barkalov (2 ♂, 2 ♀, SZM); Valley of river Tanchi, Ayan-Nelkan [ca 57°39′N 136°10′E], 9–, Popov (1 ♂, ZIN). Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): Same data as holotype (7 ♂, 9 ♀, ZIN); near Olenek River, v.1874, Czekanowski (1 ♂, ZIN); Aldan River, near mouth of Timpton River [nr 58°44′01″N 127°10′40″E], 25.v.1926, Zaikov, Yakutian expedition of Academy of Sciences of the USSR (7 ♂, ZIN); Khoptagay [61°47′N 129°47′E], flood-lands, on willow, 22.v.1973, Bogachanova (1 ♂, ZIN); Verkhoyansk [67°33′N 133°23′E],, Tkachenko (1 ♂, ZIN); Oymuranskaya [61°06′N 127°21′E], right shore of middle course of Lena River,, V. L. Bianki, Yakutian expedition of Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1 ♀, ZIN). Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: yurta Labyt-nang [now town Labytnangi, 66°39′N 66°23′E], opposite Obdorsk [now Salekhard],, Fridolin (3 ♂, 2 ♀, ZIN); Malaya Khanema River [now Maly Khanmey, ~ 66°43′N 66°11′E], Obdorsk [now Salekhard],, Fridolin (1 ♂, ZIN). USA. Alaska: Umiat [69°22′01″N 152°08′39″W],, L.A. Jackowoiki (1 ♂, USNM); same data except, C. Schultz (1 ♂, USNM); same data except,, M.L. Knight (1 ♂, USNM).

Additional material. RUSSIA. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: Pevek, 24 km SE 1.vii.1963, Gorodkov (1 ♀, ZIN). Krasnoyarskiy Territory: Taimyr, 114 km from Khatanga along Katuy River, 14 m, 71.4°N 103°E, 22 and, A. Barkalov (2 ♀, SZM). Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): Yakutsk,, L. Bianki (1 ♀, ZIN); near mouth of Aldan River,, L. Bianki (1 ♀, ZIN); Nizhnie Kresty, Kolyma,, Gorodkov (2 ♀, ZIN). Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: Sob River and Bolshoy Ural, 4.vii.1925, Fridolin (1 ♀, ZIN); Bolshaya Khanema River and up to Maly Ural, 1.vii.1925, Fridolin (1 ♀, ZIN).

Recognition. This species is distinguished from similar species with a broad epandrial bridge by the broad and tapered postpedicel, longer mouthparts and a phallus that does not extend beyond the epandrium.

Description. Wing length 3.2–3.5 mm. Male (Fig. 11). Head dark brown in ground-colour, with brown to black setation, occiput thinly to densely greyish pollinose. Eyes holoptic, with upper ommatidia enlarged. Frons represented by small triangular space just above antennae, bare, greyish pollinose. Ocellar triangle prominent, with 2 pairs of hair-like setae, anterior pair longer than posterior pair. Postvertical setae subequal with postocular setae, thin; occiput covered with numerous similar setae in lower part. Antenna dark brown; scape short, slightly shorter than globular pedicel, both with short setae; postpedicel rather broad, tapered, nearly 3 times longer than basal width, base somewhat expanded; stylus ca 2.5 times longer than wide, sensillum-tipped; segment 9 tubular, 2 times longer than wide, apical sensillum about two-thirds length of segment 9. Proboscis medium-length, projected obliquely, partially retracted into head obscuring true length; labium distinctly shorter than head height; palpus projected parallel to labrum, robust with expanded apex, shorter than labrum.

Thorax dark brown in ground-colour with posterior part of postpronotal lobe and postalar tubercle usually dark, with brown to black setation; scutum viewed dorsally entirely velvety brown, slightly matt, with 2 indistinct paler vittae between acr and dc setae; viewed anteriorly densely brown pruinose, with 2 indistinct darker vittae; meso-pleuron uniformly greyish brown pollinose. Proepisternum with few hair-like setae. Postpronotal lobe with 1 long thin and several shorter setae. Mesonotal setae distinct, thin; acr long, bi- to 4-serial, lacking on prescutellar depression, distance between rows shorter than length of acr; dc uniserial (with some additional setulae in anterior part), offset from row anteriorly, slightly longer than acr, 2–3 distinct prescutellar dc; 1 ph, 1 presut spal (with additional setulae), 3–4 npl (with a few additional shorter setae), several psut spal setulae, 1 pal and several short setulae, 7–9 pairs of sctl.

Legs, including coxae, almost entirely brownish; knees of fore and mid legs brownish yellow, tarsi somewhat darker. Coxae and trochanters with unmodified hair-like setae. Fore femur with row of short anteroventral hair-like setae and somewhat longer setae on posteroventral, dorsal and posterior faces. Mid femur with moderately long posteroventral bristly setae along entire length, bearing some moderately long setae on dorsal and posterior faces. Hind femur with long anteroventral and dorsal setae along whole length. Tibiae with prominent posterodorsal setae. Tarsomere 1 of all legs with pair of rows of stiff ventral setae; tarsomere 5 not flattened on all legs; pulvilli broad, shorter than tarsal claw.

Wing distinctly uniformly brownish infuscate; basal costal seta absent; pterostigma distinct, brownish, elliptical, overlapping apex of R 1; anal lobe very prominent, acute. Sc complete; R 2+3 often slightly bowed posterior to pterostigma; R 4+5 unbranched; cell dm broad, longer than basal cells, truncate apically; base of M 2 (crossvein) more than one-fourth length of dm-m, M branches widely separated; dm-m crossvein slightly concave. Apex of cell cua recurved, CuA+CuP long, ending short of wing margin as faint line. Halter brown.

Abdomen brown, subshiny, finely brownish grey pollinose, covered with long brownish setae. Terminalia (Fig. 21) concolourous with abdomen, small. Hypandrium with several long setae, rounded, upcurved strongly at midlength, with broad, truncate arrowhead-shaped apex (viewed posteriorly), bearing teeth-like projections; gonocoxal apodeme long and broad; inner apodeme expanded and flattened, shorter than ejaculatory apodeme; postgonite short, straight, divided deeply into pair of slender lobes. Phallic guide reduced, not clearly distinguished from phallus. Epandrium not inflated laterally; dorsal bridge broad, one quarter length of epandrium; produced distally into short, slender dorsally projecting surstylus; apex of surstylus without projection medially. Phallus broad, arched, not extending beyond epandrium, directed towards base of cerci, without subapical bend; apex trifid, median fork broadest; ejaculatory apodeme plate-like, rounded, subequal in length with gonocoxal apodeme. Cercus short, digitiform, one-fourth length of epandrium; apex rounded, extended free from epandrium; hypoproct produced slightly laterally, not projecting beyond epandrium.

Female. Similar to male, except as follows:Eyes dichoptic; ommatidia equally small.Frons very broad, somewhat widened toward ocellar tubercle, subshiny, finely brownish grey pollinose, with marginal setulae. Scutellum usually with 5–6 pairs of setae. Legs, including coxae, somewhat paler than male with reduced chaetotaxy. Abdomen with shorter, less prominent setae, sternite 8 shiny. Cercus brownish, long, slender, covered with dark setae.

Distribution. Holarctic: Eurasia: Mongolia, Russia (Chukotka AO, Krasnoyarskiy Terr., Yakutia, Yamalo-Nenets AO); North America: Canada (Northwest Territories, Yukon), USA (Alaska). This species is primarily found in Beringia, with additional records in the mountains of northern Mongolia (Figs 27, 28).

Etymology. The specific name refers to the primarily Beringian distribution of this species.

Remarks. This species is most closely related to I. bifida on the basis of the shape and armature of the hypandrium and form of the surstylus.