Published February 27, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Development of technology for macaroni products based on flour of grain crops and ion-zoned water


The nutritional value of food is one of the most important factors that determine the health of the population. In the macaroni market, dietary and functional products, fortified macaroni products and products of high nutritional value occupy a small segment that does not exceed 1 %. In this regard, the development of an assortment of pasta with increased nutritional value, with a directionally changed chemical composition, is relevant. In the pasta industry, an increase in the nutritional and biological value of products is achieved through the introduction of non-traditional types of raw materials and special food additives into the recipe. To reduce the deteriorating effect of corn and amaranth flour on the pasta properties of flour from durum wheat, ionized water was used with a concentration of ions of 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 units/cm3 and ozone of 2 mg/l. It was found that ionized water has a positive effect on the properties of gluten and the quality of pasta with the addition of corn and amaranth flour. It was determined that the best quality of pasta is achieved when using ionized water with an ion concentration of 3,000 units/cm3 and ozone 2 mg/l and at dosages of amaranth flour 17.5 %, corn flour – 20 % to pasta flour. Summing up the results of the experimental study, the amount of prescription components for the production of pasta with high nutritional and biological value was optimized


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