3. Cyrtopodium cristatum Lindley (1841: sub t. 8), auct. nom.

Grisebach (1864: 630) et Cogniaux (1910: 579). Type: GUYANA. S loc., 1839, Schomburgk 628 (lectotype, designated here, K-L!, isolectotypes AMES 217825 fragment!, BM 52875!, BM 923798!, G 168582!, G 168533!, K not found, P 436903!, W-R 25144)

In the same way as above, Cyrtopodium cristatum was misapplied by Grisebach (1864) and Cogniaux (1910) to Otostylis brachystalix, also from Trinidad and collected by Crüger, Broadway and others.

The following names have been combined in Aganisia and Otostylis but are considered misapplied by not fitting in any genera of the Aganisia complex, and thus considered non-applicable names in this taxonomic treatment.