Sicrana plana Gonçalves & Domahovski & Mejdalani & Takiya 2021, gen. et sp. nov.
- 1. Laboratório de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Caixa Postal 68044, Rio de Janeiro, 21941 - 971, RJ, Brazil.
- 2. Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná. Caixa Postal 19020, Curitiba, 81531 - 980, PR, Brazil.
- 3. Departamento de Entomologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 20940 - 040, RJ, Brazil.
Sicrana plana gen. et sp. nov. 7A4F2853-38B6-41C6-8EFD-DA2DDE7FB3CA
Figs 4–5, 6G–J
Male pygofer (Fig. 4F) with dorsal margin strongly excavated; macrosetae located on apical half, forming longitudinal row. Subgenital plate (Fig. 4F–G) ligulate, with tuft of filiform setae near apex on dorsal surface. Style (Fig. 4H–I) with apex acute, more sclerotized and curved outwards. Aedeagus (Fig. 4J–K) with dorsal apodeme with pair of long, claviform processes; shaft tubular with pair of long apical processes directed anteroventrally. Female sternite VII (Fig. 5B–C) with posterior margin with broad median lobe, rounded and emarginated medially.
The species name refers to its flattened body (Fig. 6H, J).
Material examined
Holotype ECUADOR • ♂; Ecuador, Orellana, Transect Ent. 1 km S of Onkonegare, Reserva Etnica Waorani, Onkonegare Camp; 00°39′10″ S, 76°26′00″ W; alt. 220 m; fogging terre [sic! terra] firme forest; 2 Jul. 1995; T.L. Erwin et al. leg.; #1062; DNA voucher Entomologia, DZRJ ENT 2808; EPNC.
Paratypes ECUADOR • 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype but 9 Feb. 1995; #986; EPNC.
BRAZIL • 1 ♂; Brasil, Rondônia, Monte Negro, Reserva Legal, Loteamento; 10°16′35″ S, 63°20′40″ W; alt. 187 m; light trap; 3–15 Dec. 2011; Amorim, Ament and Riccandi [sic! Riccardi] leg.; DZUP-083603.
MEASUREMENTS. Total length: male 13.0– 13.7 mm (n =2); female 16.8 mm (n =1). COLORATION. Male yellow (Fig. 6G–J) without markings. Female with face (Fig. 5A) with dark band adjacent to margin of crown.
HEAD AND THORAX. External morphological characters as in generic description.
MALE TERMINALIA. Sternite VIII (Fig. 4E) subrectangular, about 1.3 times as wide as long; lateral margins parallel, posterior margin slightly rounded. Valve subrectangular, 2.3 times as wide as long; posterior margin convex. Pygofer in lateral view (Fig. 4F) moderately produced posteriorly, about 1.7 times as long as maximum height, without processes; dorsal margin strongly excavated; less than 10 macrosetae forming a longitudinal row, near dorsal margin of apical half; apex tapered and rounded. Subgenital plate, in lateral view (Fig. 4F), produced posteriorly as far as pygofer apex; in ventral view (Fig. 4G), ligulate, about 3.6 times as long as wide; ventral surface covered by small setae; dorsal surface with tuft of moderately long filiform setae near apex; lateral margins divergent towards apex; apex abruptly tapered and rounded. Connective (Fig. 4H) with anterior portion membranous, posterior portion sclerotized; approximately one-seventh length of style; arms narrow, strongly divergent. Style in dorsal view (Fig. 4H) with outer lobe poorly developed; in lateral view (Fig. 4I), with margins parallel; ventral margin smooth; apex acute, more sclerotized and curved outwards. Aedeagus (Fig. 4J–K) with preatrium absent; atrium expanded posteriorly; dorsal apodeme well developed; apodemal processes claviform, extending to apex of shaft, subapical region of each process rounded and with preapical excavation dorsally; shaft elongated and tubular, curved dorsally; apex with pair of processes parallel to shaft, extending anteroventrally, half-length of shaft, each process with inner margin crenulate and apex acute.
FEMALE TERMINALIA. Sternite VII (Fig. 5B–C) 2.3 times as wide as long; posterolateral angles developed and subacute; posterior margin with broad median lobe, rounded and emarginated medially. Internal sternite VIII membranous. Pygofer (Fig. 5D) elongate, about 1.5 times as long as maximum height; apex rounded; few macrosetae distributed near apex and ventral margin. First valvifer (Fig. 5E) subtriangular. First valvula of ovipositor (Fig. 5E) slightly curved dorsally; about seven times as long as high; slightly higher on median third; dorsal sculptured area beginning at basal third; apex (Fig. 5F) with dorsal and ventral sculptured areas strigate; blade apex acute. Second valvifer (Fig. 5D) higher than long. Second valvula of ovipositor (Fig. 5G) slightly higher medially; approximately 7.5 times as long as maximum height; median third with dorsal triangular protuberance; apical portion (Fig. 5H) with large preapical tooth; blade apex tapered and acute. Gonoplac (Fig. 5D) 5.4 times as long as high; dorsoapical margin long and straight; apex rounded.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1995-02-09 , 1995-07-02 , 2011-12-03
- Family
- Cicadellidae
- Genus
- Sicrana
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- DZRJ ENT 2808 , DZUP-083603
- Order
- Hemiptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Gonçalves & Domahovski & Mejdalani & Takiya
- Species
- plana
- Taxonomic status
- gen. et sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 1995-02-09 , 1995-07-02 , 2011-12-03/15
- Taxonomic concept label
- Sicrana plana Gonçalves, Domahovski, Mejdalani & Takiya, 2021