Date: 18.05.2021 Title: An evaluation of the properties of urethane dimethacry-late-based dental resins Description:Datasets acquired during experimental assessment of an evaluation of the properties of urethane dimethacry-late-based dental resins. Creator (name and ORCID numer): Agata Szczesio-Wlodarczyk; Format:.xls Type: Processed, manually entered data Language: english Rights: Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) Hardness Hardness results determined by the Vickers method (1000g, 10s) for the tested resins. Nine measurements were made for each group. (.xls) DTS Diametral tensile strength (DTS) results for tested resins. Nine measurements were made for each group. (.xls) FS Flexural strength (FS)results for tested resins. Values were determined using the three-point bending test. For each study group seven samples were tested. (.xls) FM Results of modulus of elasticity in bending (FM). Values were determined diuring the three-point bending test.(.xls)