_README_SalsaV0.5 May, 2021 Questions and complains to # To install the R package Salsa (version 0.5) from inside R # and being in the working directory that contains the # file "Salsa_0.5.tar.gz" type: install.packages("Salsa_0.5.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source") # Or redirecting the command to the place where the file # "Salsa_0.5.tar.gz" is located; for example: # install.packages("C:/Users/.../Salsa_0.5.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source") # OR, in your operative system window you can type # (in the same directory where file "Salsa_0.5.tar.gz" # is located) R CMD INSTALL Salsa_0.5.tar.gz # After installation you can load the package # typing at the R command window > library(Salsa) # And get help with: > ? Salsa # Changes from previous version (0.4): # Two data frames added: library.desc Library description readcounts Raw number of reads for each gene at each RNA-Seq library. # Also citation and references of the package were updated.