Bubopsis tancrei van der Weele, 1909

Bubopsis tancrei van der Weele, 1909: 273. Type locality: Unknown.

Diagnosis. It is a medium sized species (forewing length: 28.0–33.0 mm), characterized by the long male ectoprocts (as long as the last four abdominal segments taken together) and the proximal 1/3 of ectoprocts with a rod-shaped branch directed downward. In addition, it differs from Deleproctophylla dusmeti (Navás), a similar species with long and medially branched male ectoprocts, by the hyaline wings with yellow pterostigma (van der Weele 1909: figs 236–237; Yang et al. 2016: figs 10–13).

Distribution. Pakistan (exact location unknown, it might be distributed in the northern areas); China (Xinjiang), Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan (Sziráki 1998; Whittington 2002; Yang et al. 2016; Oswald 2020).