Published May 12, 2021 | Version v1
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Co-creating CoAct's Community Hangout Series


On April 21, 2021 we hosted the first of CoAct’s *Open*Citizen*Social*Science hangouts. Bringing together a lively diverse group of researchers, community organizers and hybrid actors, we gathered in order to discuss how to shape a series of community hangouts that is most beneficial to everyone. The overall objective of the hangout series is to foster discourse around topics relevant to the growing community we have initiated via our recently created *Open*Citizen*Social*Science Signal group. The group was set up to create an environment for a low barrier, instant exchange of thoughts, events, materials, and much more.

In the first hangout, we wanted to offer a space to answer questions and collectively identify the topics relevant to the community to co-create a future hangout agenda.   Through those two platforms, the signal group, and a series of frequent hangouts, we wish to gradually strengthen the community, driven by what is relevant to everyone being part of it.

In a next step our community members will sign up for topics they wish to host a community hangout on. With the support of the CoAct team we will run the hangouts on various platforms, addressing the relevancies of our diverse community members.


Co-creating CoAct´s Community Hangout Series.pdf

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CoAct – Co-designing Citizen Social Science for Collective Action 873048
European Commission