Published May 6, 2021 | Version v1
Presentation Open

University of Plymouth ORCiD campaign 2017 (REF Readiness)


  • 1. University of Plymouth


Contact person:

  • 1. Jisc


Our campaign was in 2017 and we got up to 98% research active staff connecting their ORCiDs via Elements for us to report on (2% remainder were staff on fractional posts who did not engage with any UoP system).

We did this through support of DVC Research (mandate with deadline) and sending lists of who had/hadn't to Heads of School for them to chase.  It helped that we could hint that we thought REF would mandate it.  Information Specialists (i.e. subject librarians) supported their schools by attending school away days and going around each academic with their laptops and getting them to do it; faculty drop ins; library foyer events etc; poster and digital campaign.

The university's staff bulletin ran a count down each week towards the deadline making it a competition amongst faculties. 


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