One town�s invasion by the pest slug Arion vulgaris (Gastropoda: Arionidae): microsatellites reveal little introgression from A. ater and limited gene flow between infraspecific races in both species
Accepted by Biological Journal of the Linnean Society May 2021

This file explains the two further files provided as supplementary material for the above submission.


Microsat_data.csv is a tab-separated file, which is formatted to load into Structure but also can be loaded into Excel. It contains the raw data of allele lengths from the microsatellite analysis.
The first line is the list of the 16 loci, following the nomenclature of Zemanova et al. (2015).
The second line indicates with a 0 which loci we considered to have a recessive allele (only the last).
The next 218 lines list the name of each tissue sample followed by the lengths of its two alleles at each of the 16 loci.
The missing value code is -9.


Other_data.csv is a tab-separated file which lists attributes of each animal for which we have microsatellite data. It includes also details of which individuals were included in each Structure analysis and the estimated ancestries calculated by these analyses.

Tissue #: the number of the tissue sample.
Collection #: the collection number in the Senckenberg Museum f�r Naturkunde G�rlitz (SMNG). If more than one animal is inventorised  under that collection number, "T1" signifies animal 1, etc. Numbers in parentheses are from a temporary cataloguing scheme, included just in case they resolve any ambiguity.
Date: year of collection.
Latitude and Longitude.
Anatomy: AR = A. a. ater; RB = A. a. ruber; RF = A. a. rufus; VU = A. vulgaris; MA = intermediate closer to A. ater; MV = intermediate closer to A. vulgaris; MM = intermediate between MA and MV; imm. = immature (hindering identification).
COI_id: subspecific identification based on COI sequence: at = A. a. ater; rb = A. a. ruber; rf = A. a. rufus.
Haplotype: numbers correspond to those used in Reise et al. (2020), with the addition that 41 = Genbank MW659463, 42 = MW659464, 43 = MW659465. Short sequences may be compatible with several haplotypes.

Introgression 1: analysis of interspecific introgression; a = anatomical A. ater; v = anatomical A. vulgaris; blank entries imply exclusion from the analysis.
Introgression 2: analysis of interspecific introgression, output: the estimated ancestry from A. vulgaris (rest from A. ater), see Fig. 1.

Intermediate 1: analysis of anatomical intermediates; a = included in training set as A. ater, v = included in training set as A. vulgaris, ? = anatomical intermediate with ancestry to be estimated.
Intermediate 2: analysis of anatomical intermediates, output: the estimated ancestry from A. vulgaris (rest from A. ater), see Fig. 2.

Intra-vulgaris 1: analysis of variation within A. vulgaris; region of town (see Fig. 5)
Intra-vulgaris 2: analysis of variation within A. vulgaris, output: the estimated ancestry from A. vulgaris (rest from A. ater), see topmost part of Fig. 4.
red, yellow, blue: analysis of variation within A. vulgaris, output: the estimated ancestry from each genotype of A. vulgaris, rescaled to sum to 1 (estimated ancestry due to A. ater is ignored, except that results were excluded if total A. vulgaris ancestry < 0.5), see Figs 4, 5.

ater, ruber, rufus: analysis of subspecies of A. ater, output; the estimated ancestry apportioned beween the three subspecies; blank entries imply the individual was excluded from the analysis (because of > 1/16 A. vulgaris ancestry in earlier analyses), see Fig. 7. 
Subsp. Anat.:  analysis of subspecies of A. ater; subset of 47 animals identified anatomically (see Fig. 6).

Variation: analysis of genotypes and subspecies to compare variation (Table 1, Fig. 8A); one of the 3 genotypes of A. vulgaris or one of the 3 subspecies of A. ater, only for animals in the learning samples (those showing <1/16 admixture in earlier analyses).