Promalactis nataliae Lvovsky, 2000a: 670. TL: Dolok Merangir, Indonesia.
Diagnosis (Figures 2k, 3k, 4h, 4 ha,b)
This species is superficially close to P. trigonilancis sp. nov. in the wing pattern, but it can be easily distinguished by the genitalic characters. The male genitalia are distinguished by the bifurcate uncus, elongated cucullus and process of sacculus.
Material examined
One male. Indonesia, Sumatra U., 43 km, southwest P. Siantar (HW4), 1200 m, 24–26 July 1992, J.B. Heppner, gen. slide No. 9324/S Kim.
Indonesia (Sumatra: North, Northeast).