Key to genera of Euchromadorinae

1 Spicules jointed···························································· Rhips

– Spicules not jointed···························································· 2

2 Amphideal fovea with thickened walls looking like a double contour···································································· 3 – Amphideal fovea without thickened walls······················ 4

3 Gubernaculum without lateral pieces · Adeuchromadora

– Gubernaculum with lateral pieces ················ Actinonema

4 Pharynx with posterior terminal bulb····························· 5

– Pharynx without posterior terminal bulb······················· 7

5 Gubernaculum without lateral pieces ············ Trochamus

– Gubernaculum with lateral pieces ··································· 6

6 Precloacal cuticular elevation present ····· Portmacquaria

– Precloacal cuticular elevation absent············ Steineridora

7 Gubernaculum without lateral pieces ········· Endeolophos

– Gubernaculum with lateral pieces ··································· 8

8 Buccal cavity with rows of denticles ········· Euchromadora

– Buccal cavity without denticles ········································ 9

9 Precloacal cuticular elevation present ··· Parapinnanema

– Precloacal cuticular elevation absent····························· 10

10 Amphideal fovea oval ······································ Crestanema

– Amphideal fovea either transverse slit-like or indistinct ··········································································· Graphonema