Data column name meanings firename: The identity of the response fire. date: The day on which each row was burnt in the response fire. vegclass: The forest type. b1_solrad: Band 1 of solar radiation derived from a Digital Elevation Model. b2_solrad: Band 2 of solar radiation derived from a Digital Elevation Model. b3_solrad: Band 3 of solar radiation derived from a Digital Elevation Model. aspect: The topographic aspect in degrees from North. slope: The slope of the landscape in degrees. sev3: The fire severity class of the response fire (0,1,2,3). sev2: The fire severity class of the second fire (0,1,2,3). sev1: The fire severity class of the initial fire (0,1,2,3). tsf: The length of time in years between the second and response fires. topos: Topographic position. x: x-coordinate. y: y-coordinate. fireyear: The year in which the response fire burned. freq: The number of fires which occurred in the recorded fire history up to the time of the response fire. ffdi: The maximum daily Forest Fire Danger Index for each date. minint: The minimum inter-fire interval from the recorded fire history. temp: Mean Annual Temperature. precip: Mean Annual Precipitation.