Eupeodes (Eupeodes) curtus (Hine, 1922: 145)

Syrphus curtus Hine, 1922: 145

Type locality and data. “Savanoski, Naknek Lake, Alaska ” (H, ♂, OSU).

Material examined. Tarapacá: (sex undetermined) Mamiña, Iquique, 11.IX.1951, Leg. L. Peña (CNC).

References. Hine, 1922: 145 (desc.); Fluke, 1949: 53 (checklist); Vockeroth, 1986: 200 (n. comb.); Nielsen & Svendsen, 2014: 123 (Checklist).

World distribution. Alaska, Finland, Norway and Chile.

Chilean distribution. Only recorded for Tarapacá region.

Altitudinal range. This species has only been recorded in highlands at 2,750 m.a.s.l. Biology and notes. Eupeodes curtus is here reported from Chile for the first time and probably is an introduced species. Its ecological aspects and floral associations are unknown in Chile.

Conservation status. Not evaluated because this species is considered exotic.

Subgenus Metasyrphus Matsumura, 1918