ID,Feature,User type,Story feature,Goal,Country,Field,Context 1,Dynamic layouts,"As a reader, I want to","view articles in different layouts (figures on the side, etc), so that I can",more easily cross-reference figures and results,India,Evolutionary genetics,Research Institution 2,Searching/integrations across multiple preprint servers,"As a reader, I want to","search for all preprints in one place, so that I can",find research research regardless of what server it is posted on,India,Evolutionary genetics,Research Institution 3,Better linking to journal versions,"As a reader, I want to","reliably see links on preprints to their journal version, so that I can",keep up to date with research,India,Evolutionary genetics,Research Institution 4,Alerts for authors when their work is commented on,"As an author, I want to","get email alerts or notifications when someone leaves a comment on my article, so that I can",get constructive criticism to help improve my article or identify new collaborators,Spain,Neuroscience and molecular biology,Research Institution 5,More finely-tuned categories or recommendations,"As a reader, I want to","get alerts about preprints based on keywords or AI curation, so that I can",stay up to date on research relevant to me,Spain,Neuroscience and molecular biology,Research Institution 6,Clearer documentation during submission,"As an author, I want to","get clear instructions about journal requirements (eg manuscript format) when transferring my paper from a preprint server to a journal, so that I can",transfer my paper more easily.,Brazil,"Neuroscience, metascience",Research Institution 7,More finely-tuned categories or recommendations,"As a reader, I want to","use improved search tools that behave as expected in response to keywords or more finely-tuned categories, so that I can",find preprints relevant to me.,Brazil,"Neuroscience, metascience",Research Institution 8,"Advanced search features (including author, institute)","As a reader, I want to","use the same advanced search features (eg boolean operators) for preprints as are available to me for journals, so that I can",include preprints in meta-analysis.,Brazil,"Neuroscience, metascience",Research Institution 9,Integration of preprint reviews with ORCID,"As a reviewer, I want to","have my reviews of preprints appear in my ORCID profile, so that I can",get credit for preprint reviewing activity.,Brazil,"Neuroscience, metascience",Research Institution 10,An indicator that authors want comments,"As a reviewer, I want to","see an indicator when preprint authors want comments, so that I can",feel confident that my comments are welcomed.,Brazil,"Neuroscience, metascience",Research Institution 11,More finely-tuned categories or recommendations,"As a reader, I want to","access a curated list of preprints related to bioinformatics software, so that I can",find preprints relevant to my research.,Kenya,Bioinformatics,Research Institution 12,Inclusion of preprints in “cited by” lists,"As a reader, I want to","see a list of preprints that cite an article I’m looking at, so that I can",find preprints relevant to my research.,Kenya,Bioinformatics,Research Institution 13,More finely-tuned categories or recommendations,"As a reader, I want to","see a list of relevant preprints by clicking on keywords that appear next to other preprints/articles I’m looking at, so that I can",find preprints relevant to my research.,Kenya,Bioinformatics,Research Institution 14,Better editing and formatting on preprints,"As a reader, I want to","read preprints that are edited and formatted, so that I can",have a smoother reading experience.,Kenya,Bioinformatics,Research Institution 15,Submit HTML/XML authoring tool preprints directly to a chosen server,"As an author, I want to",submit manuscripts created by an HTML/XML authoring tool directly to my chosen preprint server,so that I can create a rich preprint with hyperlinks and embedded videos and also data,India,Agriculture,Research Institution 16,Better metadata for reference managers,"As a reader, I want to",have better preprint metadata harvested by reference managers,so that I can appropriately include preprints in my reference library,India,Agriculture,Research Institution 17,Searching/integrations across multiple preprint servers,"As an author, I want to",duplicate my manuscript across several repositories (with appropriate metadata),so that I can ensure that it is not lost,India,Agriculture,Research Institution 18,Inclusion of preprints in “cited by” lists,"As a preprint server lead, I want to",know where preprints in my server are being cited,so I can understand the impact of preprints,India,Agriculture,Research Institution 19,"More visible commenting, including summaries and badges representing comments","As a reader, I want to","see badges or summaries of comments or feedback on preprints, so that I can",understand community perceptions of a preprint’s credibility and value,Bangladesh,Climate,Policy 20,"Advanced search features (including author, institute)","As a reader, I want to","search and/or get alerts about preprints from particular authors, labs, or institutes, so that I can",find preprints relevant to my research,India,Evolutionary Biology,Research Institution 21,Lay summaries of preprints (and searching for preprints with additional summary or review content),"As a reader, I want to","read a justification for why authors selected the category/subject area, so that I can",find preprints relevant to my research,India,Evolutionary Biology,Research Institution 22,Dynamic layouts,"As a reader, I want to","see figures interspersed in the text of preprints, so that I can",have a smoother reading experience,India,Evolutionary Biology,Research Institution 23,Disclaimers relevant to pharma,"As an author or supporting medical writer, I want to","share my preprint with a disclaimer that it is intended as scientific exchange, so that I can",comply with laws surrounding off-label promotion of drugs,UK,Biomedical,Pharma/Medical writing 24,"Comments as highlights, in-line annotations, and even proposed changes","As an author, I want to","See feedback on my article as in-line annotations, so that I can",more easily improve my paper,Mexico,Social sciences,Research Institution 25,Snapshot of all commenting activity,"As an author, I want to","Show someone a snapshot of all the reviewing and commenting activity on my preprint, so that I can",get credit and recognition from evaluators (PhD program faculty),Mexico,Social sciences,Research Institution 26,Clearly labeling preprints as preprints,"As a reader, I want to","distinguish very clearly that the manuscript I am reading is actually a preprint, so that I can",use it accordingly,Mexico,Social sciences,Research Institution 27,Alerts for authors when their work is commented on,"As an author, I want to","get notifications when my article is commented on, so that I can",benefit from feedback on my preprint,South Africa,"Plant science, microbiology",Research Institution 28,Help choosing a preprint server through a centralized portal,"As an author, I want to","submit my preprint to a centralized system, so that I can",select the best server,South Africa,"Plant science, microbiology",Research Institution 29,"More visible commenting, including summaries and badges representing comments","As an author, I want to","get a highly-visible badge when my preprint is reviewed (eg by PREreview), so that I can",be rewarded for getting feedback on my preprint,South Africa,"Plant science, microbiology",Research Institution 30,Clearer documentation during submission,"As an author, I want to","see “model preprints” that have been cited or undergone peer review, so that I can",understand the potential of preprints,South Africa,"Plant science, microbiology",Research Institution 31,Lay summaries of preprints (and searching for preprints with additional summary or review content),"As a reader, I want to","Discover research and relevant bioethics work together, so that I can",see research in its ethical context,USA,Bioethics,Community bio 32,Lay summaries of preprints (and searching for preprints with additional summary or review content),"As a (nonspecialist) reader, I want to","Read an author-provided lay summary of a preprint, so that I can","better understand the content I’m interested, but not fluent in",USA,Bioethics,Community bio 33,Lay summaries of preprints (and searching for preprints with additional summary or review content),"As a reader, I want to","read author statements on potential dangers or implications to society, so that I can",be assured authors have considered ethical implications of their work,USA,Bioethics,Community bio 34,Better interface,"As a (nonspecialist) reader, I want to","browse preprint servers with a more user-friendly interface, so that I can",access preprints more easily,USA,Bioethics,Community bio 35,More finely-tuned categories or recommendations,"As a reader, I want to","browse preprints by my sub-discipline, so that I can",find preprints relevant to me,Nigeria,Agricultural economics,University 36,Lay summaries of preprints (and searching for preprints with additional summary or review content),"A a reader, I want to","read short jargon-free summaries of preprints, so that I can",find preprints relevant to me,Nigeria,Agricultural economics,University 37,A simple way for authors to send invitations to comment to specific colleagues,"As an author, I want to","get a list of similar authors when I upload my preprint, so that I can",make connections in my field,Nigeria,Agricultural economics,University 38,Ability to share only within a private community,"As an author, I want to","share my preprint only with people who register to be a part of a community, so that I can",have a sense of ownership and security,Nigeria,Agricultural economics,University 39,"Comments as highlights, in-line annotations, and even proposed changes","As an author, I want to","see reader highlights and in-line comments, so that I can",improve my paper,Kenya,Bioinformatics,Research Institution 40,More finely-tuned categories or recommendations,"As a reader, I want to","get recommendations from AI or other forms of categorization, so that I can",find preprints relevant to me,Kenya,Bioinformatics,Research Institution 41,Metrics,As an author,"see more information about readers of my preprint over time, so that I can",understand the impact of my work,Kenya,Bioinformatics,Research Institution 42,"Comments as highlights, in-line annotations, and even proposed changes","As an author, I want to","allow readers to propose changes, recalculate figures, and interact with code in manuscripts I post as Jupyter notebooks, R markdown, Shiny apps, etc, so that I can",collaborate with readers,Kenya,Bioinformatics,Research Institution 42,"Embed video, code, etc","As an author, I want to","allow readers to propose changes, recalculate figures, and interact with code in manuscripts I post as Jupyter notebooks, R markdown, Shiny apps, etc, so that I can",collaborate with readers,Kenya,Bioinformatics,Research Institution 43,"Other types of narrative content (lectures, review articles, negative results, hypotheses)","As an author, I want to","quickly and easily publish my negative or less interesting results, so that I can",make my work citable and help others,Kenya,Bioinformatics,Research Institution 44,Automated statistics review,"As a reader, I want to","see preprints that have undergone an automated statistics check, so that I can",know that what I am reading is sound,Japan,Neuroscience,Research Institution 45,"Other types of narrative content (lectures, review articles, negative results, hypotheses)","As an author, I want to","post hypotheses, so that I can",share my ideas with the community,Japan,Neuroscience,Research Institution 46,"Advanced search features (including author, institute)","As a reader, I want to","use PubMed and Google Scholar advanced search and alert features to find preprints, so that I can",find preprints relevant to me,India,Cell biology,Research Institution 47,Alerts for new versions,"As a reader, I want to","get alerts when preprints are updated or published, containing a summary of how they’ve changed, so that I can",keep up with the literature,India,Cell biology,Research Institution 48,More diverse review,"As a reviewer, I want to","be involved in projects that provide constructive feedback on preprints, so that I can",avoid recreating the geographical biases of traditional peer review,India,Cell biology,Research Institution 49,Alerts for authors when their work is commented on,"As an author, I want to","Get notifications when someone comments on my preprint, so that I can",Get feedback on my work,Chile,Cell biology/neuroscience,Research Institution 50,More finely-tuned categories or recommendations,"As a reader, I want to","Get emails about preprints related to my chosen keywords, so that I can",Find and comment on work that is interesting to me,Chile,Cell biology/neuroscience,Research Institution 51,Alerts for new versions,"As a reader, I want to","Get a notification that a preprint I’ve cited or saved to my library is now published, so that I can",Stay up to date with the literature,Chile,Cell biology/neuroscience,Research Institution 52,A simple way for authors to send invitations to comment to specific colleagues,"As an author, I want to","directly invite colleagues to read and review my work, so that I can",get high-quality feedback,Brazil,Neuroscience/metascience,Research Institution 53,A simple way for authors to send invitations to comment to specific colleagues,"As an author, I want to","share my work with a group of colleagues working in my subfield, so that I can",get the right audience for my preprint,Brazil,Neuroscience/metascience,Research Institution 54,Metrics,"As a reader, I want to","find the work that the researchers in my field are discussing and judging to be relevant, so that I can",get a grasp of the consensus,Brazil,Neuroscience/metascience,Research Institution 55,Better editing and formatting on preprints,"As a (student) reader, I want to","download a pdf of a preprint in a compact, easy-to-read format, so that I can",have a smoother reading experience and stay within my university printing quota,USA,Cell biology,PUI 56,Lay summaries of preprints (and searching for preprints with additional summary or review content),"As a reader (educator), I want to","search for preprints with news & views or other summaries, so that I can",find material that will be helpful to to my students,USA,Cell biology,PUI 57,Searching/integrations across multiple preprint servers,"As a reader, I want to","get alerts (keywords, cited by) about preprints related from multiple servers, so that I can",find relevant preprints,USA,Cell biology,PUI 58,"More visible commenting, including summaries and badges representing comments","As a reader (educator), I want to","see comments from colleagues under a paper, so that I can",identify experimental design questions for my students’ journal club,USA,Cell biology,PUI 59,More finely-tuned categories or recommendations,"As a reader (educator), I want to","get an updated, curated list of preprints relevant to my coursework, so that I can",incorporate new science into my classroom,USA,Cell biology,PUI 60,Lay summaries of preprints (and searching for preprints with additional summary or review content),"As a reader (educator), I want to","see a lay summary and author highlights of most important figure/figure panels, so that I can",more easily use the paper in an undergraduate journal club,USA,Cell biology,PUI 61,Clearly labeling preprints as preprints,"As a reader, I want to","see preprints clearly (automatically) labeled in reference lists, so that I can",approach the article with appropriate skepticism,Bangladesh,Public health,Research Institution 62,Integration of commenting with journals,"As an author, I want to","send comments I receive of my preprints to the journal reviewing my paper, so that",feedback I receive on preprints can be incorporated into the journal peer review process,Bangladesh,Public health,Research Institution 63,"More visible commenting, including summaries and badges representing comments","As a reader, I want to","see feedback on preprints more prominently, so that I can",put the preprint into context,Bangladesh,Public health,Research Institution 64,Verification of the identity of commenters,"As a reader, I want to","see clear indicators of when a comment on a preprint was written by a verified individual, so that I can",trust comments,Bangladesh,Public health,Research Institution 65,Metrics,"As an author, I want to","have citations on my preprint and subsequent journal article pooled in all databases (including WoS), so that I can",get credit for my impact,India / Estonia,Bioinformatics,Research Institution 66,"Comments as highlights, in-line annotations, and even proposed changes","As an author, I want to","have readers propose comments and changes to my paper in-line (similar to GitHub), so that I can",improve my paper and find new collaborators,India / Estonia,Bioinformatics,Research Institution 67,Lay summaries of preprints (and searching for preprints with additional summary or review content),"As a (clinician) reader, I want to","see digests and summaries of preprints, so that I can",keep up with the literature,UK,Clinician / Cancer biology,Research Institution 68,An indicator that authors want comments,"As an (early career) reader, I want to","be invited to ask questions to authors or leave comments on preprints, so that I can",feel more comfortable engaging in public dialog,UK,Clinician / Cancer biology,Research Institution 69,Dynamic layouts,"As a reader, I want to","see supplemental material (such as movies) inline as I’m reading a preprint, so that I can",have easier access to all relevant data.,USA,Cell biology,PUI 70,An indicator that authors want comments,"As a reviewer/teacher, I want to","have a convenient way to set up conversations with authors of preprints, so that I can",set up a visit to my class or provide feedback to them.,USA,Cell biology,PUI 71,Searching/integrations across multiple preprint servers,"As a reader, I want to","have an easy way to search across multiple repositories, so that I can",be aware of all relevant preprints.,USA,Cell biology,PUI 72,Submit HTML/XML authoring tool preprints directly to a chosen server,"As an author, I want to","easily create standardized manuscripts, so that I can",post professional-looking preprints,Bangladesh,Physics,Research Institution 73,"Advanced search features (including author, institute)","As a reader, I want to","retrieve different types of content based on search terms (lectures, review articles, research articles) so that I can",find resources that fit my needs,Bangladesh,Physics,Research Institution 74,"Comments as highlights, in-line annotations, and even proposed changes","As a reader, I want to","choose to see annotations and comments of previous readers on a preprint, so that I can",better understand the paper,Bangladesh,Physics,Research Institution 75,Chat with authors,"As an author and a reviewer, I want to","be able to chat directly with the reviewer / author, so that I can",quickly resolve issues / questions regarding the manuscript and finish the review process quicker,Bangladesh,Physics,Research Institution 76,Better linking to journal versions,"As an author, I want to","have robust, automatic linking from my preprint to the published journal article, so that I can",help readers discover the updated version of the paper,USA,Bioengineering,MSI 77,"Embed video, code, etc","As a (grassroots scientist) author, I want to","share my science through video and other non-traditional formats, so that I can",communicate and share quickly,USA,"Synthetic biology, grassroots biology","Research Institution, Community bio" 78,Automate submission,"As a (grassroots scientist) author, I want to","upload in as few clicks as possible, so that I can",communicate and share quickly,USA,"Synthetic biology, grassroots biology","Research Institution, Community bio" 79,See indicators of value alignment,"As a reader, I want to","know that the author or preprint server has values that I align with, so that I can",find research relevant to me,USA,"Synthetic biology, grassroots biology","Research Institution, Community bio" 80,"Advanced search features (including author, institute)","As a reader, I want to","Use advanced search and email/alert features (as in PubMed) to find preprints, so that I can",find preprints relevant to me,USA,Synthetic biology,Community bio 81,Lay summaries of preprints (and searching for preprints with additional summary or review content),"As a (non-specialist) reader, I want to","see a lay summary of preprints, so that I can",better understand the science,USA,Synthetic biology,Community bio 82,Clearly labeling preprints as preprints,"As a (non-specialist) reader, I want to","see clear disclaimers about what a preprint is, so that I can",better understand the status of preprints,USA,Synthetic biology,Community bio 83,Better linking to journal versions,"As a reader, I want to","see a link to the journal version from the preprint (once published), so that I can",keep up with any updates,USA,Synthetic biology,Community bio 84,More finely-tuned categories or recommendations,"As a reader/citer, I want to","get convenient (ToC-like) alerts about preprints, so that I can",discover preprints relevant to me,China,Stem cell biology,Research Institution 85,Lay summaries of preprints (and searching for preprints with additional summary or review content),"As a reader, I want to","read an accessible summary of preprints, so that I can",become aware of interesting preprints,China,Stem cell biology,Research Institution 86,Community sharing and discovery features,"As a reader, I want to","discover and share preprints in an online community, so that I can",become aware of interesting preprints,China,Stem cell biology,Research Institution 87,"More visible commenting, including summaries and badges representing comments","As a reader, I want to","to read high-quality reviews on preprints, so that I can",better evaluate preprints,China,Stem cell biology,Research Institution 88,Dynamic layouts,"As a reader, I want to","download all preprint figures as a powerpoint slide, so that I can",more easily incorporate them into journal clubs and other presentations,USA,Synthetic biology,"Research Institution, Community bio" 89,Browse data inline,"As a reader, I want to","link out or browse genetic sequences inline, so that I can",better evaluate the preprint,USA,Synthetic biology,"Research Institution, Community bio" 90,Lay summaries of preprints (and searching for preprints with additional summary or review content),"As a (non-specialist) reader, I want to","read a lay summary and see a graphic abstract accompanying preprints, so that I can",better understand the preprint,USA,Synthetic biology,"Research Institution, Community bio" 91,"Embed video, code, etc","As an author, I want to","include data and executable code and figures into my preprint, so that",my preprint can be interactive,USA,Synthetic biology,"Research Institution, Community bio" 92,Clearer documentation during submission,"As an author, I want to","be prompted to share my reagents (eg plasmids through FreeGenes or Addgene under the OpenMTA or UBMTA) along with an explanation of the terms of the MTA (UBMTA vs OpenMTA), so that I can",make my science open,USA,Synthetic biology,"Research Institution, Community bio" 93,"Embed video, code, etc","As an author, I want to","be able to embed SBOL files in my preprint, so that",others can reuse my synthetic biology parts,USA,Synthetic biology,"Research Institution, Community bio" 94,Helpdesk,"As an author, I want to","speak to someone at my chosen preprint server prior to submission, so that I can",understand if my article will fit the scope,USA,Clinician / Neurobiology,"Clinic, Research Institution" 95,Better linking to journal versions,"As a reader, I want to","see embedded links to published versions when a preprint cited in a bibliography is published, so that I can",better trust the foundation of evidence the article I’m reading is built on,USA,Clinician / Neurobiology,"Clinic, Research Institution" 96,Journal submission/review status,"As a reader, I want to","see where the preprint I’m reading has been submitted (and possibly rejected), so that I can",gauge expert opinions of the preprint,USA,Clinician / Neurobiology,"Clinic, Research Institution"