Project needs,Count,User needs,Count Integration between preprint servers and review platforms,7,More finely-tuned categories or recommendations,9 HTML/XML conversion (including reference extraction),6,Lay summaries of preprints (and searching for preprints with additional summary or review content),7 Preprint server integration with authoring tools,4,"Advanced search features (including author, institute)",5 Machine-readable or standardized peer review,4,"More visible commenting, including summaries and badges representing comments",5 Consolidated API for review services,4,Search and other integrations across multiple preprint servers,4 More finely tuned categories & recommendations,3,Better linking from preprints to journal versions,4 Better linking from preprints to journal versions,3,"Embed video, code, etc",4 "Links to code, data, protocols, and funding",3,"Comments as highlights, in-line annotations, and even proposed changes",4 Alerts regarding reviews,3,Dynamic layouts,4 Notifications (when journal version published),2,Better metrics,3 Recommend journals,2,Clearer documentation during submission,3 Indicators that authors want comments,2,Alerts for authors when their work is commented on,3 Natural language processing for preprints,2,Inclusion of preprints in “cited by” lists,2 Review & annotation tool integration with journals,2,Alerts for new versions,2 Social media integration,1,Submit authoring tool preprints directly to server,2 Resolve URLs to DOIs,1,"Other content (lectures, review articles, hypotheses)",2 Better metrics,1,Indicators that authors want comments,2 Cross-platform search,1,Clearly labeling preprints as preprints,2 Coordination of metadata about preprints,1,Better editing and formatting on preprints,2 Better indexing of preprints,1,Sending invitations to comment to colleagues,2 Better Crossref support for multilingualism,1,Community sharing and discovery features,1 Better Crossref documentation,1,Better metadata for reference managers,1 Universal implementation of MECA,1,See indicators of value alignment,1 Revised data model for preprints,1,Helpdesk,1 Local storage within a country,1,Portal for choosing a preprint server,1 Full text search,1,Automate submission,1 Clearly labeling preprints as preprints,1,Snapshot of all commenting activity,1 Open licensing,1,Integration of commenting with journals,1 Offline upload,1,Disclaimers relevant to pharma,1 "Journal ""Common App"" for submission",1,Browse data inline,1 Embedding code and data,1,Better interface,1 Complete metadata,1,Ability to share only within a private community,1 Change history,1,Verification of the identity of commenters,1 Automated screening tools,1,More diverse review,1 Author affiliations (ROR and FundRef),1,Journal submission/review status,1 Alerts for related authors when preprint posted,1,Integration of preprint reviews with ORCID,1 Turnkey platform for review,1,Chat with authors,1 Reviewer recommendation tool,1,Automated statistics review,1 Metrics on reviews,1,, Review service integration with authoring tools,1,, Credit for peer review (eg for funders),1,, Posting revised bioRxiv preprint on behalf of authors,1,, Visible peer reviews on preprint servers,1,, Indexing of review & annotation,1,, Integration of review & annotation tools w/services,1,, Citation format that acknowledges reviews,1,, Badging/endorsements as annotations,1,,