Neoseiulella tiliarum (Oudemans)

(Figure 5)

Typhlodromus tiliarum Oudemans 1930: 51-52; Chant 1958: 622. Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) tiliarum (Oudemans) Chant 1959: 65. Typhloctonus tiliarum (Oudemans) Muma 1961: 299; Denmark and Rather 1984: 165; Kolodochka 1986: 26-27; Moraes et al. 1986: 233; Kolodochka 2009: 485-486. Typhlodromus (Nesbitteius) tiliarum (Oudemans) Wainstein 1962: 23. Seiulus tiliarum Abbasova 1972: 21; Karg 1982: 205; Karg and Edland 1987: 387. Seiulus (Typhloctonus) tiliarum (Oudemans) Beglyarov 1981: 19. Neoseiulella (Typhloctona) tiliarum (Oudemans) Denmark and Rather 1996: 58-59. Neoseiulella tiliarum (Oudemans) Chant and McMurtry 1994: 248; Moraes et al. 2004: 296; Chant and McMurtry 2007: 147.

Adult female (Figure 5a – d)

Dorsal shield (Figure 5a) — Dorsal shield distinctly reticulated throughout: length 350; width 164 (at level of s4) and 182 (at level of Z1). Five pairs of large circular solenostomes: gd1, gd2, gd6, gd8, and gd9. No poroid visible. Sub-lateral setae (r3 and R1) on the lateral margin. Dorsal shield bearing 19 pairs of setae, all smooth except Z4 and Z5 slightly serrated: j1 20; j3 30; j4 19; j5 21; j6 20; J2 26; J5 7; z2 25; z3 31; z4 32; z5 20; Z1 26; Z4 38; Z5 44; s4 34; s6 36; S2 40; S4 35; S5 18; sub-lateral setae r3 29 and R1 21. Peritreme extending anteriorly to the level of z4.

Ventral shields (Figure 5b) — Sternal shield 82 long and 84 wide (at level of ST2), smooth with two pairs of setae (ST1 and ST2) and two pairs of poroids. ST3 on a separate platelet close to the sternal shield. A pair of metasternal setae (ST4) on separate platelets with a pair of small poroids. Genital shield 123 long and 62 wide (at level of ST5), smooth. Four elongate platelets or genital sigilla folded under the genital shield and between genital and ventrianal shields. One pair of poroids close to the genital shield (ST 5) and 1 pair of poroids around the genital shield. Ventrianal shield rectangular-shaped, 103 long and 60 wide (at level of ZV2), slightly reticulated, with four pairs of preanal setae (JV1, JV2, JV3 and ZV2) and without solenostome gv3. Four pairs of caudoventral setae (ZV1, ZV3, JV4 and JV5) on the integument surrounding the ventrianal shield. JV5 26 long, smooth. Primary metapodal plate or inguinal sigillum 28 long and 3 wide.

Spermatheca (Figure 5c) — Cervix 14 long, elongated and cup-shaped.

Chelicera (Figure 5d) — One tooth and a pilus dentilis on the fixed digit. Movable digit 27 long, unidentate.

Legs — Measurements of legs: leg I 274; leg II 222; leg III 219; leg IV 281. Eight setae (2-2/1, 2/0-1) on the genu II. No macroseta on legs.

Material examined — The female holotype deposited in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, the Netherlands. As this specimen was in bad conditions, the leg chaetotaxy and lengths were observed on one specimen of our collection (Montpellier SupAgro, UMR CBGP), collected in Valleraugues (Gard, South of France) on small leaved linden (Tilia cordata Miller).

Adult male (Figure 5e, f) Described by Livshitz and Kuznetsov (1972) and Denmark and Rather (1984, 1996). Dorsal shield chaetotaxy similar to the female, but the sub-lateral seta R1 on the dorsal shield. Ventrianal shield 104 long and 131 wide, distinctly reticulated and bearing five pairs of preanal setae and three pairs of poroids. Spermatodactyl Lshaped with a terminal foot and a toe slightly enlarged. This description is based on a specimen of our collection (Montpellier SupAgro, UMR CBGP), collected in Valleraugues (Gard, South of France) on T. cordata.

Kanouh M. et al.

Previous reports — N. tiliarum is only known from the West- Palaearctic and Nearctic areas. However, its occurrence in the Nearctic area (15 reports in Canada and three in USA) might be due to introductions. The three reports in Massachusetts (USA) were on insects: Graphiphora haruspica (Grote) and Spaelotis clandestine (Harris) (Noctuidae, Lepidoptera) (Treat 1975). Countries from which this species is reported are: Algeria (Athias-Henriot, 1958 b); Austria (Bohm 1960; Ragusa and Ragusa 1997); Azerbaijan (Abbasova 1972); Canada (Nesbitt 1951; Herbert 1952; Chant et al. 1974); Croatia (Tixier et al. 2010); Czech Republic (Kabicek 2003; Kabicek and Rehakova 2004; Kabicek 2008, 2010); Denmark (Hansen and Johnsen 1986); England (Nesbitt 1951; Chant 1955, 1956; Collyer 1956); France (Gunthart 1957, 1960; Rambier 1974; Kreiter and Brian 1987; Kreiter et al. 2000; Tixier et al. 2000; Arnault et al. 2008); Georgia (Samsoniya 1977); Germany (Oudemans 1930; Dosse 1956a, b, 1957; Westerboer and Bernhard 1963; Thill 1964; Karg 1970, 1971, 1972, 1975); Greece (Swirski and Ragusa 1976; Ragusa and Tsolakis 1998); Hungary (Kropczy ´nska and Jenser 1968; Bozai 1980; Dellei and Szendrey 1991; Sarospataki et al. 1992; Bream and Bozai 1995; Bozai 1996, 1997; Ripka 1998, 2006); Iran (Daneshvar 1987); Italy (Gunthart 1957, 1960; Coiutti 1993; Duso et al. 1993; Michelatti et al. 1994; Nicotina and Cioffi 1998; Duso et al. 2004); Moldova (Beglyarov and Malov 1977); Montenegro (Mijuskovic and Tomasvic 1975); Netherlands (Nesbitt 1951; Van de Vrie and Fluiter 1958; Van de Vrie 1963, 1972; Miedema 1987); Norway (Karg and Edland 1987); Poland (Wiackowski and Suski 1963; Boczek 1964; Dabrowski 1968; Dabrowski 1970; Skorupska 1981; Chant and Yoshida-Shaul 1989; Jaworski 2000; Kropczy ´nska et al. 2009); Russia (Beglyarov 1962); Slovak Republic (Praslicka and Bartekova 2008; Praslicka et al. 2009); Spain (Chant and Yoshida-Shaul 1989; Villaronga and Garcia- Mari 1988, 1992; Minarro et al. 2005); Switzerland (Gunthart 1957, 1960; Genini et al. 1983; Klay 1987); Tunisia (Kreiter et al. 2002); Turkey (Swirski and Amitai 1982; Düzgüne¸ s and Kiliç 1983; Cobanoglu 1991, 1992, 1996, 2000); Ukraine (Akimov and Kolodochka 1970; Livshitz and Kuznetsov 1972; Beglyarov and Malov 1977; Kolodochka and Omeri 2007; Kolodochka 2009; Omeri 2009); USA (Treat 1975).

Neoseiulella tiliarum was collected on a wide range of plant supports: A. campestre, Acer sp. (Aceraceae); Actinidia deliciosa (Chev.) Liang and Ferguson (Actinidiaceae); A. hippocastanum (Hippocastanaceae); Agrimonia sp., Malus baccata (L.) Borkh, M. pumila Miller, Malus sp., Mespilus sp., P. armeniaca, P. cerasifera Ehrh, P. (Cerasus) avium (L.) L., P. domestica L., Prunus sp., P. spinosa L., Pyrus aucuparia L., P. communis L., Rosa sp., Rubus sp. (Rosaceae); Alnus sp., Carpinus betulus, Corylus avellana, Corylus sp. (Betulaceae); Castanea sativa Miller, Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus sp. (Fagaceae); Cercis canadensis L. (Fabaceae); Citrus sp. (Rutaceae); Cornus sanguinea L., Cornus sp. (Cornaceae); Ficus carica L. (Moraceae); Frangula alnus Miller (Rhamnaceae); Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl, Fraxinus sp., Olea sp. (Oleaceae); Dittrichia viscosa ( L.) Greuter (Asteraceae); Juglans regia (Juglandaceae); Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn (Hypolepidaceae); Ribes nigrum L., Ribes sp. (Grossulariaceae); Tilia americana L., T. cordata Miller, T. miqueliana Maxim., T. platyphyllos Scopoli, Tilia sp. (Tiliaceae); Ulmus campestris L., U. laevis Pallas, U. pumila L., U. scabra (Miller), Ulmus sp., U. suberosa Moench, Zelkova carpinifolia (Pall.) Dippel., Zelkova sp. (Ulmaceae); Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae); Vitis sp., V. vinifera L. (Vitaceae).