Genus Iphidonopsis Gwiazdovicz, 2004

Type species: Iphidonopsis sculptus Gwiazdowicz, 2004: 153, by original designation. Genus based on adult female and male material; includes two described species (Lindquist & Makarova, 2012).

Diagnosis. Adults of Iphidonopsis are easy distinguished from those of other genera of Zerconopsini by having a broad, robust anal shield in the female bearing only three circumanal setae, and by a long tubular spermatodactyl in male (its free part 1.5 times longer than movable digit). Adult dorsal shield strongly sclerotised and ornamented in a complicated way (with deep open-work depressions and numerous foveae in central and posterior regions as well as net-like honeycomb pattern in anterior and lateral areas), its lateral margins often turned down ventrally. Dorsal shield lacking paddle-like setae (unlike Zerconopsis) and tarsus I with ambulacrum and claws (in contrast to Xenoseius and Zerconopsis apodius Karg, 1969). Leg I genu and tibia each with seta av -2 present.