Scalpellum regium Wyville Thomson, 1873: 347 (in part, only figs 1, 2).
Trianguloscalpellum ovale – Young 1998a: 32, figs 21a-d, g, 22 (with synonymy); 1998b: 42.
MATERIALEXAMINED. — BENGAL 5, stn 13368#53, 48°50’N, 16°33.53’W, 4842 m, 2 specimens, tl (cl) 41.4 (27.3) to 50.3 (29.5) mm (MNHN Ci 2881, MNRJ 13919).
The taxonomic status of Trianguloscalpellum ovale was recently reviewed (Young 1998a: 32). This species is frequently recorded from the abyssal plain of the North Atlantic.