This README_Onthank_et_al_2021.txt file was generated on 2020-12-01 by Kirt L. Onthank GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Impact of short- and long-term exposure to elevated seawater pCO2 on metabolic rate and hypoxia tolerance in Octopus rubescens 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Kirt L. Onthank Institution: Walla Walla University Address: Department of Biological Sciences, 115 W Whitman Dr., College Place, WA 99324 Email: 3. Date of data collection: 2014-06-01 - 2015-08-30 4. Geographic location of data collection: Skagit County and Island County, Washington, USA 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work was funded by a grant from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust (grant 2013260:MNL:2/27/2014). SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ( 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: NA 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: NA 5. Was data derived from another source? yes/no No A. If yes, list source(s): 6. Recommended citation for this dataset: Onthank KL, Trueblood LA, Schrock-Duff T, Kore LG (2021) Impact of short- and long-term exposure to elevated seawater pCO2 on metabolic rate and hypoxia tolerance in Octopus rubescens. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 94(1):1-11. DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File List: Pcrit_2014.csv Seawater_ph_2015.csv Long_Term_RMR_2014.csv Short_Term_RMR_2014.csv Octopus_hypercapnia.pdf Octopus_hypercapnia.Rmd treatment_carbonate_2014.csv Pcrit_Analysis.pdf Pcrit_Analysis.Rmd 2. Relationship between files, if important: RMarkdown Analysis files Octopus_hypercapnia.Rmd Octopus_hypercapnia.pdf is the knitted version of this markdown. Pcrit_Analysis.Rmd Pcrit_Analysis.pdf is the knitted version of this markdown. Datasets Pcrit_2014.csv Seawater_ph_2015.csv Long_Term_RMR_2014.csv Short_Term_RMR_2014.csv treatment_carbonate_2014.csv The File "Octopus_hypercapnia.Rmd" requires the following files: Seawater_ph_2015.csv Long_Term_RMR_2014.csv Short_Term_RMR_2014.csv The File "Pcrit_Analysis.Rmd" requires the following files: 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: NA 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? yes/no No DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Pcrit_2014.csv This dataset contains the critical oxygen pressures measured for each octopus in the study. This dataset will actually be generated from the raw data in the compressed directory using the commands in the Pcrit_Analysis.Rmd file. 1. Number of variables: 3 2. Number of cases/rows: 14 3. Variable List: octo: This is an identifier for the individual octopus Pc: critical oxygen pressure measured for that specific octopus pco2: treatment carbon dioxide partial pressure 4. Missing data codes: NA 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Seawater_ph_2015.csv This dataset contains the in-situ seawater pH values determined for various geographic locations near Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory in the Salish Sea. 1. Number of variables: 5 2. Number of cases/rows: 59 3. Variable List: station: ID of location of pH measurement. This ID matches IS in the GPS_waypoints gpx files level: are the measurements from shallow or deep samples s: salinity t: temperature ph: pH measureed by spectrophotometric pH method. 4. Missing data codes: NA 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: This compressed directory includes raw log files from a PyroScience Firesting O2 oxygen meter. Information on fields can be found in the FirestingO2 manual: DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: This compressed directory includes the shapefiles necessary to produce the maps in figures that appear in this paper. For a technical description of shapefiles, see Specifically, these files contain coastlines of the regions of the study. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Long_Term_RMR_2014.csv This dataset contains the routine metabolic rates measure for octopuses in long-term treatments (either control or elevated CO2). 1. Number of variables: 8 2. Number of cases/rows: 20 3. Variable List: date: The date the routine metabolic rate measurement was taken. octo: The octopus ID from which the routine metabolic rate was taken. mass: The mass of the octopus in grams. treat: The treatment the octopus was in. week: The number of weeks the octopus has been in the treatment when the routine metabolic rate measurement was taken. resp_mean: The mean routine respiration rate taken over a continuous 20 hour period (23 hours in the respirometer minus the first three hours). resp_sd: The standard deviation of routine respiration rate taken over a continuous 20 hour period (23 hours in the respirometer minus the first three hours). pco2: The carbon dioxide pressure of the treatment the octopus was in in microatmospheres 4. Missing data codes: NA 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Short_Term_RMR_2014.csv This dataset contains routine metabolic rate measurements for octopuses after short-term exposure to treatments (<24hrs) 1. Number of variables: 6 2. Number of cases/rows: 44 3. Variable List: octopusID: Identification of the octopus. mass: mass of the octopus in grams. pco2: the carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) of the treatment. resp: the mean routine metabolic rate (RMR). dataset: This field indicates which dataset a measurement belongs to. Data was collected in 2014 by Dr. Lloyd Trueblood ("l" in the dataset field), or in 2015 by Dr. Kirt Onthank ("k" in the dataset field). run: RMR was measured twice for each octopus, once at a low pCO2 and again at a high pCO2. This field indicates if this was the first or second RMR measurement on this octopus. 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: treatment_carbonate_2014.csv 1. Number of variables: 7 2. Number of cases/rows: 36 3. Variable List: dates, date on which measurements were taken. ph_low, pH of low pH treatment on the measurement date using the m-cresol purple spectrophotometric method alk_low, total alkalinity of the low pH treatment on the measurement date using the open-cell titration method. ph_high, pH of high pH treatment on the measurement date using the m-cresol purple spectrophotometric method alk_high, total alkalinity of the high pH treatment on the measurement date using the open-cell titration method. ph_sw, pH of the treatment kept in flow-through seawater system on the measurement date using the m-cresol purple spectrophotometric method alk_sw, total alkalinity of the treatment kept in flow-through seawater system on the measurement date using the open-cell titration method. 4. Missing data codes: 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: This compressed directory contains geographic coordinates for each pH sampling location in .gpx format. Information on the gpx format can be found at Point names in these files correspond to the "station" variable in Seawater_ph_2015.csv.