KEY TO GENERA OF † HOLOPSENELLINAE (MODIFIED FROM ENGEL, 2019) 1. Clypeus with apical margin unmodified; first metasomal tergum without transverse carina.....................2 - Clypeus with apical margin modified and medially emarginate; first metasomal tergum with transverse carina sometimes present [Early Cretaceous (Barremian): Lebanon]...........................................................3 2. Anterior wing margin beyond pterostigma swollen (margin discontinuous); second cubital cell open; pretarsal claws simple (Cenomanian: Myanmar).............................................. Holopsenelliscus Engel, 2019 - Anterior wing margin beyond pterostigma not swollen (margin continuous); second cubital cell closed; pretarsal claws dentate (Santonian: Taimyr amber, Russia).................................. Cretabythus Evans, 1973 3. Antennae with ten flagellomeres; forewings with cell 2 R 1 short, ending far from wing apex; veins Rs and 2r-rs curved; propodeum with propodeal spines (Cenomanian: Myanmar)................... Holopsenella Engel et al., 2016 - Antennae with 11 flagellomeres; forewings with cell 2 R 1 elongate, nearly reaching wing apex; veins Rs and 2r-rs straight; propodeum without propodeal spines (Cenomanian: Myanmar)...... Megalopsenella gen. nov.