Sticky Pi -- Machine Learning Data, Configuration and Models
Dataset for the Machine Learning section of the Sticky Pi project (
Contains the dataset for the three algorithms described in the publication: Universal Insect Detector, Siamese Insect Matcher and Insect Tuboid Classifier.
Universal Insect Detector:
`universal_insect_detector/` contains training/validation data, configuration files to train the model, and the model as trained and used for publication.
- `data/` – A set of svg images that contain the embedded jpg raw image, and a set of non-intersecting polygon around the labelled insects
- `output/`
- `model_final.pth` – the model as trained for the publication
- `config/`
- `config.yaml` – The configuration file defining the hyperparameters to train the model as well as the taxonomic labels
- `config.yaml `– The configuration file defining the hyperparameters to train the model
- `mask_rcnn_R_101_C4_3x.yaml` – the base configuration file from which config is derived
Siamese Insect Matcher
`siamese_insect_matcher/` contains training/validation data, configuration files to train the model, and the model as trained and used for publication.
- `data/` – a set of svg images that contain two embedded jpg raw images vertically stacked corresponding to two frames in a series. Each predicted insect is labelled as a polygon. Insects that are labelled as the same instance, between the two frames, are grouped (i.e. SVG group). The filename of each image is `<device>.<datetime_frame_1>.<datetime_frame_2>.svg`
- `output/`
- `model_final.pth` – the model as trained for the publication
- `config/`
- `config.yaml` – The configuration file defining the hyperparameters to train the model as well as the taxonomic labels
- `config.yaml` – The configuration file defining the hyperparameters to train the model
Insect Tuboid Classifier:
`insect_tuboid_classifier/` contains images of insect tuboid, a database file describing their taxonomy, a configuration file to train the model, and the model as trained and used for publication.
- `data/`
- `database.db`: a sqlite file with a single table `ANNOTATIONS`. The table maps a unique identifier of each tuboid (tuboid_id) to a set of manually annotated taxonomic variables.
- A directory tree of the form: `<series_id>/<tuboid_id>/`. Each terminal directory contains:
- `tuboid.jpg` – a jpeg image made of 224 x 224 tiles representing all the shots in a tuboid, left to right, top to bottom – might be padded with empty images
- `metadata.txt` – a csv text file with columns:
- parrent_image_id – <device>.<UTC_datetime>
- X – the X coordinates of the object centroid
- Y – the Y coordinates of the object centroid
- scale – The scaling factor applied between the original and image and the 224 x 224 tile (>1 => image was enlarged)
- `context.jpg` – a representation of the first whole image of a series, with a box around the first tuboid shot (this is for debugging/labelling purposes)
- `output/`
- `model_final.pth` – the model as trained for the publication
- config/
- `config.yaml` – The configuration file defining the hyperparameters to train the model as well as the taxonomic labels