Nonparametric constraints on neutron star matter with existing and upcoming gravitational wave and pulsar observations: Weighted Monte Carlo samples for neutron star observables Philippe Landry, Reed Essick & Katerina Chatziioannou; doi:10.5281/zenodo.4678703 This data release contains weighted Monte Carlo samples associated with Landry, Essick & Chatziioannou, "Nonparametric constraints on neutron star matter with existing and upcoming gravitational wave and pulsar observations," Phys. Rev. D 101, 123007 (2020); doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.101.123007 Weighted samples are provided for the maximum Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkov mass; the radius, tidal deformability, and moment of inertia of a 1.4 solar mass neutron star; and the pressure in neutron star matter at one, two and six times nuclear density. Posterior distributions for these neutron star observables can be obtained by building a weighted histogram or kernel density estimate of the samples. Median values and 90% highest-probability-density confidence intervals for the observables, marginalized over a distribution of equations of state, are reported in Tb. IV of the accompanying paper. The posterior distributions generated from these samples are plotted in Fig. 10 of that paper. *** Contents: LEC_NS_observables_samples.csv LEC_NS_observables_samples.csv is a comma-separated table of weighted samples for neutron star observables from the analysis presented in the accompanying paper. Each row is an independent sample from the prior distribution over the neutron star equation of state. The first seven columns list the values of the neutron star observables for each equation of state: the maximum Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkov mass (Mmax) in solar masses, the radius for a 1.4 solar mass neutron star (R14) in km, the dimensionless tidal deformability for a 1.4 solar mass neutron star (L14), the moment of inertia for a 1.4 solar mass neutron star (I14) in 10^45 g cm^2, the pressure/c^2 at nuclear density 2.8e14 g/cm^3 (p_nuc) in g/cm^3, the pressure/c^2 at twice nuclear density (p_2nuc) in g/cm^3, and the pressure/c^2 at six times nuclear density (p_6nuc) in g/cm^3. The next six columns list the natural logarithm of the marginal likelihood of each equation of state according to the individual astronomical observations considered in the paper: the Fonseca et al. [Astrophys. J. 832, 167 (2016)] mass measurement for PSR J1614-2230 (logweight_j1614), the Antoniadis et al. [Science 340, 1233232 (2013)] mass measurement for PSR J0348+0432 (logweight_j0348), the Cromartie et al. [Nat. Astron. 4, 72 (2020)] mass measurement for PSR J0740+6620 (logweight_j0740), the Abbott et al. [Phys. Rev. X 9, 011001 (2019)] mass and tidal deformability measurements for GW170817 (logweight_gw170817), the Abbott et al. [Astrophys. J. Lett. 892, L3 (2020)] mass and tidal deformability measurements for GW190425 (logweight_gw190425), and the Miller et al. [Astrophys. J. Lett. 887, L24 (2019)] mass and radius measurements for PSR J0030+0451 (logweight_j0030). The last column gives the natural logarithm of the total marginal likelihood of each equation of state relative to all six of these observations; it is the sum of the preceding six columns. A posterior distribution over the neutron star observables can be obtained from a histogram or kernel density estimate of these samples, weighted by the marginal likelihood.