Clytia linearis (Thornely, 1900)

(fig. 4 A–B)

Obelia linearis Thornely, 1900: 453, pl. 44 fig. 6.

Clytia linearis — Cornelius, 1982: 84, fig. 12.— Calder, 1991 d: 62, fig. 34.— Ramil & Vervoort, 1992: 238, fig. 67 B.— Migotto, 1996: 85, fig. 16 A–B.— Lindner & Migotto, 2002: 542, figs 2–3.— Peña Cantero & García Carrascosa, 2002: 149, fig. 28 E–F.— Schuchert, 2003: 160, fig. 20.

Material examined. Stn. 7: 25.03.2008 —several colonies, up to 4 mm high, some fertile, on various algae, sponge, concretions and two ascidians; 27.03.2008 —numerous colonies, up to 5 mm high, some fertile, on various algae and concretions; 29.03.2008 —a small, sterile colony, about 3 mm high, on Dictyota sp. Type locality. Blanche Bay, New Britain, Papua New Guinea.

Remarks. A complete, recent redescription of this species is available in Lindner & Migotto (2002). Distribution. Tropical and subtropical waters around the world (Schuchert 2003); also reported from the subantarctic waters of South America (Galea 2007). For a detailed list of world records, see Medel & Vervoort (2000). The Caribbean records are summarized by Calder & Kirkendale (2005).