Leptognathioides sp.KK# 1

Figure 19

Material examined. 1 non-ovigerous female (1.74 mm), station XR12, 41° 37.67 ’– 41 ° 37.08 ’N, 146 ° 54.19 ’– 146 ° 52.72 ’E. 5473–5484 metres, 22–23 September 2001.

Remarks. Only a single individual was recorded. The body shape (Fig. 19 A), cheliped (Fig. 19 B) and uropod (Fig. 19 D) structure strongly suggest that it belongs in the genus Leptognathioides Bird & Holdich, 1984: the robust cheliped is characterized by a short posterior basal process beneath the attachment to the lateral sclerite and a large broad tooth on incisive margin fixed-finger; the uropod exopod is two-articled rather than one-articled in L. polita (Hansen, 1913), L. rectus Kudinova-Pasternak, 1993, L. potens Bird & Holdich, 1984 and L. vicina (Hansen, 1913) but has a very short article 2, that may represent a more plesiomorphic state from an earlier evolutionary stage.

Distribution. Kurile-Kamchatka Trench, 5473–5484 metres.