Published November 30, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D7.8 Report on Standardization & Regulation Activities


  • 1. Brunel University


This deliverable presents the standardisation and regulation landscape related to 5G and VLC/OWC and IoRL contributions to 5G PPP programme level activities. It identifies the most significant results produced in the IoRL project and maps them onto the future standardization roadmaps of the standardization bodies. It explains the position of VLC/OWC technology in relation to ETSI, 3GPP IEEE and ITU and the important role of Light Communications Alliance in coordinating these efforts. It identifies IoRL project contributions to promote VLC/OWC directly within ITU and indirectly to the wider research community through 5G PPP. Finally, it indicates the direction how VLC research could contribute to standards.


D7.8 Report on Standardization & Regulation Activities.pdf

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IoRL – Internet of Radio Light 761992
European Commission