Neoseiulus bicaudus Wainstein

Amblyseius bicaudus Wainstein, 1962 a: 146; Athias-Henriot, 1966: 209; Karg, 1971: 210; 1982: 203; Livshitz & Kuznetsov, 1972: 26; Wainstein, 1977 b: 240; Kolodochka, 1978: 34; Beglyarov, 1981: 41; Swirski & Amitai, 1985: 181; Miedema, 1987: 58; Papadoulis & Emmanouel, 1991: 56; Çobanoǧlu, 1993: 113; Swirski et al., 1998: 104.

Cydnodromus comitatus De Leon, 1962: 17. (synonymy by Abbasova, 1972: 18; Gilyarov et al., 1977: 386; Wainstein, 1977 b: 240; not synonym, according to Chant & McMurtry, 2003: 21).

Typhlodromus bicaudus. Hirschmann, 1962: 2.

Amblyseius scyphus Schuster & Pritchard, 1963: 274. (synonymy by Abbasova, 1972: 18; not synonym, according to Chant & McMurtry, 2003: 23).

Amblyseius (Amblyseius) bicaudus.— Ehara, 1966: 20; Arutunjan, 1969: 45; 1977: 38; Wainstein & Vartapetov, 1973: 102.

Amblyseius micmac Chant & Hansell, 1971: 719. (synonymy by Congdon, 2002: 23; Denmark & Evans, 2011: 131; not synonym, according to Chant & McMurtry, 2003: 23).

Amblyseius (Amblyseius) hirotae Ehara, 1985: 119. (synonymy by Ehara & Amano, 2004: 5).

Neoseiulus bicaudus. Moraes et al., 1986: 72; 2004: 108; Congdon, 2002: 23; Denmark & Edland, 2002: 209; Chant & McMurtry, 2003: 23; Papadoulis et al., 2009: 91; Ferragut et al., 2010: 80.

Amblyseius (Typhlodromips) bicaudus. Karg, 1991: 16; 1993: 183.

Female (one specimen).

Dorsal shield strongly reticulate; 415 long and 207 wide, with 17 pairs of setae. Setae j 1 25, j 3 29, j 4 14, j 5 15, j 6 17, J 2 18, J 5 14, z 2 23, z 4 20, z 5 13, Z 1 23, Z 4 37, Z 5 77, s 4 31, S 2 33, S 4 34, S 5 41, r 3 31, R 1 28. Dorsal setae smooth, except S 4, S 5, Z 4 and Z 5, faintly serrate. Peritreme extending to level of j 3.

Venter. Sternal shield faintly reticulate, with three pairs of setae and two pairs of lyrifissures. Distances between st 1 –st 1 57, st 2 –st 2 68, st 3 –st 3 77, st 4 –st 4 77. Genital shield reticulate; distance between st 5 –st 5 74. Ventrianal shield subpentagonal, strongly reticulate, 145 long, 120 wide at ZV 2 level and 95 wide at level of anus; with three pairs of pre-anal setae and a pair of pre-anal pores. Seta JV 5 62. Ventral setae smooth, except JV 5, faintly serrate. Two pairs of metapodal plates.

Spermatheca. Calyx of spermatheca cup-shaped, 10 long.

Gnathosoma. Corniculi parallel to each other; basal width of corniculus 6, distance between bases of corniculi 6. Movable cheliceral digit 34 long, with one tooth; fixed digit 33 long, with 5 or 6 teeth.

Legs. Macroseta sharp-tipped: St IV 70; chaetotaxy of genu II 2, 2/ 0, 2 / 0, 1; genu III 1, 2/ 0, 2 / 1, 1.

Specimens examined. One female from soil under A. donax plant, at Senuris, Fayoum governorate, April 2001 (coll. R.I.A. Abo-Shnaf).

Remarks. This is the first report of this species from Egypt. It was originally described from the holotype female and nine paratype females collected in Kazakhstan. The original description was brief, but with illustrations and setal measurements; complementary descriptions were listed by Demite et al. (2014). Measurements of the single specimen collected are agree generally well with those of the original description of this species and with the corresponding ranges given by Ferragut et al. (2010). The peritreme of the specimens collected is slightly shorter than shown by Livshitz & Kuznetsov (1972) and Papadoulis et al. (2009), reaching only level of j 3.