Oswaldella crassa Peña Cantero and Vervoort, 1998

Oswaldella crassa Peña Cantero and Vervoort, 1998: 33–35, figure 1; Peña Cantero and García Carrascosa, 1998: 178; 1999: 214; Peña Cantero and Marques, 1999: 85.

Material examined. 6/428, Three stem fragments up to 35 mm long.

Remarks. The material of this species was previously described and figured by Peña Cantero and Vervoort (1998). Oswaldella crassa is characterized by the absence of nematotheca in the hydrocladial internodes, the presence of two axillary nematophores and one ‘mamelon’ on the cauline apophyses, the shape of the hydrotheca, situated on the middle of the hydrocladial internodes, the strong development of the perisarc, the absence of node between cauline apophyses and hydrocladia, and the absence of internodes in the stem (cf. table 1).

Ecology and distribution. Oswaldella crassa is known only from the Bransfield Strait area, where it was collected at depths from 662 to 1120 m in January (Peña Cantero and Vervoort, 1998).