Repository: Characteristics of the Basal Interface of the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits Khuller and Plaut (2021) Description: The following files contain point and map data in the form of: (1) Shapefiles (file formats .cpg, .dbf, .prj, .sbn, .sbx, .shp, .shx and .xml) (2) TIF files (file formats .tif, .xml, .ovr and .tfw) (3) Comma Separated Value (CSV) files. All files can be viewed in geographic information system (GIS) software such as ArcGIS. Contents: 1. Elevation (points) of South Polar Layered Deposits Basal Interface (km) derived from MARSIS data SPLD_Elevation 2. Time Delay and Thickness (points) of South Polar Layered Deposits Basal Interface derived from MARSIS data SPLD_Time_Delay 3. Elevation (interpolated) of South Polar Layered Deposits (km) derived from MARSIS data SPLD_Elevation_Interp 4. Thickness (interpolated) of South Polar Layered Deposits (km) derived from MARSIS data SPLD_Thickness_Interp 5. Brightness and Thickness of Surface and Basal Interface of the South Polar Layered Deposits using non-interpolated MARSIS data a) SPLD_3MHz_Brightness_Uninterp b) SPLD_4MHz_Brightness_Uninterp c) SPLD_5MHz_Brightness_Uninterp 6. Brightness and Thickness of Surface and Basal Interface of the South Polar Layered Deposits using non-interpolated MARSIS data a) SPLD_3MHz_Histograms_Data b) SPLD_4MHz_Histograms_Data c) SPLD_5MHz_Histograms_Data Legend (Explanation of field names for each group described above): 1. Elevation (points) of South Polar Layered Deposits Basal Interface (km) derived from MARSIS data a) lat = Planetocentric latitude b) lon = Planetocentric longitude c) elevation = Elevation with respect to the IAU Mars Reference Ellipsoid (km) 2. Time Delay and Thickness (points) of South Polar Layered Deposits Basal Interface derived from MARSIS data a) lat = Planetocentric latitude b) lon = Planetocentric longitude c) elevation = Elevation with respect to the IAU Mars Reference Ellipsoid (km) d) RASTERVALU = MOLA surface elevation (km) e) Thickness = Derived thickness of the SPLD (km) f) Time_Delay = One-way time delay of the SPLD basal interface(microseconds) 3. Elevation (interpolated) of South Polar Layered Deposits (km) derived from MARSIS data 4. Thickness (interpolated) of South Polar Layered Deposits (km) derived from MARSIS data 5. Brightness and Thickness of Surface and Basal Interface of the South Polar Layered Deposits using non-interpolated MARSIS data a) lat = Planetocentric latitude b) lon = Planetocentric longitude c) sub_elevat = Elevation of basal interface with respect to the IAU Mars Reference Ellipsoid (km) d) surf_eleva = Elevation of surface overlying basal interface with respect to the IAU Mars Reference Ellipsoid (km) e) slice = Slice number from MARSIS 3D volume f) sub_bright = Data Number (DN) value from non-interpolated MARSIS data for the SPLD basal interface g) surf_brigh = Data Number (DN) value from non-interpolated MARSIS data for the SPLD surface overlying basal interface h) Thickness = Derived thickness of the SPLD (km) i) db_subsurf = Power value (decibels) from non-interpolated MARSIS data for the SPLD basal interface j) db_subsurf = Power value (decibels) from non-interpolated MARSIS data for the SPLD surface overlying basal interface k) Delta_brig = Relative power value (decibels) from non-interpolated MARSIS data for the SPLD basal interface subtracted from the surface overlying basal interface l) avg_norm_b = Relative power value (decibels) from non-interpolated MARSIS data for the SPLD basal interface subtracted from the average surface of the SPLD 6. Brightness and Thickness of Surface and Basal Interface of the South Polar Layered Deposits using non-interpolated MARSIS data a) lat = Planetocentric latitude b) lon = Planetocentric longitude c) sub_elevat = Elevation of basal interface with respect to the IAU Mars Reference Ellipsoid (km) d) surf_eleva = Elevation of surface overlying basal interface with respect to the IAU Mars Reference Ellipsoid (km) e) slice = Slice number from MARSIS 3D volume f) sub_bright = Data Number (DN) value from non-interpolated MARSIS data for the SPLD basal interface g) surf_brigh = Data Number (DN) value from non-interpolated MARSIS data for the SPLD surface overlying basal interface h) Thickness = Derived thickness of the SPLD (km) i) db_subsurf = Power value (decibels) from non-interpolated MARSIS data for the SPLD basal interface j) db_subsurf = Power value (decibels) from non-interpolated MARSIS data for the SPLD surface overlying basal interface k) Delta_brig = Relative power value (decibels) from non-interpolated MARSIS data for the SPLD basal interface subtracted from the surface overlying basal interface