Vibilia armata Bovallius, 1887

Vibilia armata Bovallius, 1887a: 10; 1887b: 69–70, pl. 10, figures 15 –22.

Vibilia gracilis Bovallius, 1887a: 9; 1887b: 65–66, pl. 9, figures 14 –28.

Vibilia gracilenta Bovallius, 1887a: 9; 1887b: 67–68, pl. 10, figures 1–14.

Vibilia erratica Chevreux, 1892: 32–35, figures 1–3.

Materials examined. See table 3.

Description. This species is well illustrated by Stephensen (1918) and Behning (1925). A detailed description is available from Vinogradov et al. (1996).

Size. Female: 3.40–10.16 mm; male: 4.40–10.08 mm.

Distribution. Pacific Ocean: Japan; South China Sea; Oregon–California; Three Kings Islands; New Zealand. This is the predominant Vibilia species in our study area. It was found in 270 samples or 68% of the total, from surface waters to 1756 m and south of 39°N but absent from northern waters (52°– 60°N).

Atlantic Ocean: 58°N– 53°S; Davis Strait; Iceland; Faroe–Iceland Channel; Ireland; Portugal; Bay of Biscay; Mediterranean Sea; transect between Newfoundland and Azores; Georges Bank; Agulhas Banks.

Indian Ocean: Gulf of Oman; Arabian Sea; Maldives.

Southern Ocean: 45°– 56°S.