Reproduction package for the paper "The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive star evolution - III. The case of tau Sco"

"This is a reproduction package for the paper "The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive star evolution - III. The case of tau Sco" by Keszthelyi et al. (2021).

The paper is availble on the ArXiv: link

Raw Data

The computed models are included in For the stellar atmosphere model, the best-fit CMFGEN model is included. For the stellar evolution models, we include the standard MESA history output files of the computed models, the MESA work directory including the inlists and run_star_extras file, as well as the four GENEC models.

Observational data used in the paper are available from online catalogues link


======================================== Software: CMFGEN described by: link

======================================== Software: GENEC website: instrument paper: link

======================================== OS : Mac Big Sur Software : MESA version : r12115 Software website :

Previous implementation (the specific MESA extension that we developed, including the inlist file and run_star_extras) has been shared on zenodo: link and link. Here some additons and changes are included, in particular, related to testing various magnetic field evolution scenarios. Therefore used MESA work directory is included in

With those files, the models are fully reproducible.


Figures ( are also uploaded here for convencience. They are also available from the ArXiv.