Cyanocitta stelleri borealis Chapman

Cyanocitta stelleri borealis Chapman, 1902: 240 (Homer, Alaska).

Now Cyanocitta stelleri stelleri (Gmelin, 1788). See Hellmayr, 1934: 61; Greene et al., 1998: 3–5; Dickinson, 2003: 507; and dos Anjos, 2009: 568– 569.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 76482, adult male, collected at Homer, 59.40N, 151.37W (Times Atlas), Cook Inlet, Alaska, on 19 September 1901, by J.D. Figgins (no. 254) on the Andrew J. Stone Expedition.

COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description, and Chapman listed four paratypes, all collected by Figgins on the 1901 expedition: Sheep Creek, AMNH 76479, male, 17 August; Homer, AMNH 76480, female, 1 September, AMNH 76481, female immature, 3 September, AMNH 76482, sex?, 26 September.