Diatropura progne ansorgei Neumann Euplectes progne delacouri Wolters

Diatropura progne ansorgei Neumann, 1908d: 45 (Bulu-Bulu, Bihe´, Angola).

Now Euplectes progne delacouri Wolters, 1953. See Hartert, 1919: 146; Wolters, 1953: 32; Moreau and Greenway, 1962: 73–74; Craig, 1993b: 148– 149; Dean, 2000: 320; Dickinson, 2003: 726; Fry and Keith, 2004: 246–249; and Craig, 2010: 152.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 727464, adult male, collected at Bulo-Bulo (5 Bulu-Bulu), 12.05S, 17.37E (Dean, 2000: 370), Bié (5 Bihe´), Angola, on 3 October 1904, by W.J. Ansorge (no. x169). From the Rothschild Collection.

COMMENTS: In the original description Neumann listed the type of ansorgei as a Rothschild specimen, male, collected by Ansorge at Bulu-Bulu on 3 October 1904; four such specimens came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection, but Neumann had himself marked Ansorge’s specimen no. x169 as ‘‘Typus.’’ Hartert (1919: 146) confirmed this specimen as the type of ansorgei. Neumann gave the range as Angola and Benguela. Paratypes are: Bulo-Bulo, Bie´, AMNH 727465–727467, males, 3 October 1904, collected by Ansorge (nos. x168, x165, x167, respectively); Canduc, Benguela, AMNH 727468, 727469, males, 5 January 1906, collected by Ansorge (nos. 20, 19, respectively).

When this form is included in Euplectes, the name ansorgei is preoccupied by Euplectes (5 Pyromelana) ansorgei Hartert, 1899. Wolters (1953: 32) provided Euplectes progne delacouri as a replacement name. The two names share the same type.