Dendronotusrobilliardi Korshunova, Sanamyan, Zimina, Fletcher & Martynov, 2016

Fig. 7

Dendronotus robilliardi Korshunova, Sanamyan, Zimina, Fletcher & Martynov, 2016: 28–32, Figs 2, 3, 5.

Extendeddiagnosis. Body narrow. Fivetoeight pairs (commonly more than six) of branched dorsolateral appendages, digestive gland penetrates at least three pairs of dorolateral appendages. Four to six appendages of oral veil. Four to six appendages of rhinophoral stalks. Lateral papilla of rhinophoral sheaths present. Rhinophoreswith 11–15 lamellae. Five to ten lip papillae. Basal colour white, dorsolateral appendage variable opaque orange or opaque white, including tip. Dorsal processes of jaws inclined posteriorly at approximately 50–60° to the longitudinal axis of the jaw body and 0.43–0.45 of its length. Radula with up to 43 rows of teeth. Masticatory processes with ridge-like structures and smaller denticles. Central tooth with up to 17 small, distinct denticles without furrows. Up to nine lateral teeth with upto eight denticles. Ampulla is hook-shaped to swollen kidney-shaped, with various degrees of folding. Bursa copulatrix large, rounded, withsmallseminalreceptaculum placed distally at a short distance from the vaginal opening. Prostate discoid with about 19–30 alveolar glands. The vas deferens is short, penis relatively short, curved. Body length up to 35 mm.

Distribution. NW (from South Korea to Commander Islands) and NE Pacific (from Alaska to at least Washington State, Canada

and USA). Northern Japan (photographic record only, Korshunova et al., 2019b).

Depth. circa 5– 30 m.

Remarks. See Remarks for D. albus.