Dendronotus jamsteci Martynov, Fujiwara, Tsuchida, R. Nakano, N. Sanamyan, K. Sanamyan, Fletcher & Korshunova, 2020

Fig. 7

Dendronotus jamsteci Martynov, Fujiwara, Tsuchida, Nakano, Sanamyan, Sanamyan, Fletcher, Korshunova, 2020a: 500–505, Figs 2, 5A.

Extended diagnosis. Body narrow. Six to seven pairs of branched dorsolateral appendages. Six to nine appendages of oral veil. Four to fiveappendages (posterior ones longest) of rhinophoral stalks. Lateral papilla of rhinophoral sheaths present. Rhinophores with 12–15 lamellae, 20–25 lip papillae. Basal colourwhitishwithbrownishspotsand streak. Dorsal processes of jaws inclined posteriorly at approximately 56° to the longitudinal axis of the jaw body and 0.47 of its length. Masticatory processess with ridge-like structures. Radula with up to 38 rows of teeth. Central tooth with upto 17 small, distinct denticles with furrows. Up to eight lateral teeth with upto nine denticles. Ampulla moderately narrow, with several loops. Bursa copulatrix large, oval. Seminal receptaculum small, placed distally at a moderately short distance from the vaginal opening. Prostate discoid with 50–60 alveolar glands. The vas deferens is moderate in length, penis conical, relatively thin. Body length up to 21.5 mm.

Distribution. Pacificcoastof Northern Honshu, Japan.

Bathymetry. Adeep-sea (bathyal) species, so far recorded at 670–761 m depth (for discussion of the different usage of the term “bathyal”, see Rybakova et al., 2020).

Remarks. This species is recently described in detail (Martynov et al., 2020a).