Saltipedis navassensis Hansknecht & Heard & Martin 2001
Saltipedis navassensis n. sp
Type material Holotypefemale, 3.0 mm (LACM CR 20000091), Navassa Island, N E Caribbean Sea, southeast coast of Cuba (Sta. RW025), Northwest Point, 18(24.820'N, 75(01.820'W, SCUBA, sand flat, depth 24 m, R/V Coral Reef II, 16 March 2000, coll. R. Wetzer and G. Hendler. Preserved in 95% ethanol. Paratypes: 1 male (3.4 mm, dissected), 1 ovig female, 2 adult females LACM, 20000092 and 2 ovig. females, 2 subadult males, 1 female dissected and 5 unsexed juveniles USNM 1000885, same collection data as holotype.
Diagnosis. Female with pereopod 2 merus lacking robust spiniform seta; basis of pereopod 2 in both sexes bearing plumose setae. Inner margin of antennule in both sexes bearing serrations.
Male paratype. Body (Fig. 1 B) elongate, TL 3.4 mm, approximately 5.0 times width of carapace (measured across posterior carapace border), dorsoventrally flattened.
Carapace length (tip of rostrum to posterior medial border of carapace) equal to greatest width (across posterior carapace border). Ocular lobes present, lacking spines, and with some diffuse visual pigment. Rostrum short, slightly down turned, broadly tapering toward acute tip; outer margins of rostrum with minute spines.
Pereon (Fig. 1 B) with width of pereonites decreasing slightly from anterior to posterior; length of first two pereonites nearly equal with third longer than first and second; length of pereonite 4 and 5 more or less equal, and greater than length of any of first three pereonites; length of 6th pereonite less than that of 5th. First free pereonite with small hyposphenia, flattened and upturned over mouthpart bundle.
Pleon (Fig. 1 B) composed of 5 short somites, decreasing slightly in width from anterior to posterior, as shown, and with pleotelson approximately 3 times longer than any pleonal somite; weak setal band on dorsal margin of 1st pleonite.
Antennule (Fig. 1 C) with peduncle of 4 visible articles; inner proximal 1/3 of article 1 finely serrate; outer flagellum of 12 articles; inner margin of articles 6,8 and 10 with respectively 1,2 and 1 flattened aesthetascs; outer flagellum with 3 terminal setae; inner flagellum of 6 articles terminating with 3 setae.
Antenna (Fig. 1 C) peduncle of 5 articles; distal two peduncular articles with cluster of spines on medial border; squama well developed, longer than any flagellar article and setose in distal half; flagellum with 10 articles and 4 terminal setae.
Mandible (Fig. 1 A) palp with 3 articles; basal article slightly less than half length of second article, which in turn is slightly shorter than distal article; incisor process (pars incisiva) of left mandible with 5 blunt teeth; setiferous lobe with 5 large apically cleft dentate spiniform setae; right mandible not illustrated.
Labium (Fig. 1 G) gently curving, more or less oval and fringed with short setae; distal margin of palp with 3 setiform setae and many setules.
Maxillule (Fig. 1 D) palp with 2 articles; outer endite terminating with approximately 10 stout setiform setae; inner endite with 5 setiform setae.
Maxilla (Fig. 1 H) distal endite with 5 sinuous, setiform seta; middle lobe with 3 trifid setae and a single branched seta along with 3 setiform setae; inner endite with comblike row of curved setae and 34 guard setae, setiform at their tips.
Epignath not examined.
Maxilliped (Fig. 2A) coxa short with 2 small setae on inner margin; basis quadrate with concave expansion on outer ½ of segment; article 1 of palp wider than long; outer margin bearing truncate lobe with single subterminal seta; inner margin with single long seta on distal 1/3. Article 2 longer than the combined lengths of articles 3 and 4 with inner margin and distal inner corner bearing row of serrate setae; article 3 with row of long serrate setae on inner margin extending distally to 4th article; article 4 with long serrate setae on inner and distal ½ of segment; endite (Figure 2A, enlargement) with inner margin bearing 2 coupling hooks and outer margin with 910 inflated plumose setae; inner corner of distal lobe with apically bilobed setae and multiform setae; outer margin drawn into thin veil with several clusters of setules.
Cheliped (Fig. 2B,C) coxa with 3 segmented exopodite; article 2 with 2 setae on proximal corner; article 3 with 4 plumose setae. Basis inflated with lobed processes on anterior and ventral margins; posterior margin with 1 spiniform seta on distal 2/3 and 2 small setae on posterior distal corner; ischium greatly narrowed with several setae on distal ventral margin; carpus triangular with several setae on the distal ventral corner along with plumose setae on the dorsal margin; posterior margin of carpus partially obscured by lobed processes on basis when contracted; propodus stout with tip of fixed finger receiving dactylus on inner margin; fixed finger with row of several thick setae distally on ventral margin along with 56 comblike setae on distal apical margin; dactylus meeting fixed finger of propodus and forming a "gap" in which are one proximal posteriorly directed tooth and several distal propodal setae; tip of propodal finger bearing dense field of blunt ventral setae and 2 spines in area where it receives tip of closing dactylus.
Pereopod 2 (Fig. 3 A) coxa with 3 articulated exopod; second article with 1 plumose seta, third article with 4 plumose setae; basis quadrate, longer than wide with anterior margin lined with multiple plumose setae; posterodistal corner with large spiniform setae; ischium short without important characters; merus long with distal dorsal lobe bearing l spiniform seta and ventral margin with numerous attenuated setae and a single conical spiniform seta; carpus shorter than merus with distal dorsal lobe with 1 stout seta, ventral margin with 3 conical spiniform setae; outer lateral margin of carpus with stout setae on distomedial margin and transverse row of 5 long setae; propodus without broom seta on dorsal margin, with 2 large spiniform setae near dactylus and ventral margin with 6 large conical spiniform setae; external lateral margin of propodus bearing transverse row of 4 setae; internal lateral margin with single small feathered seta at base of dactylus; dactylus curved, compound; proximal portion with 3 ventral teeth and 2 dorsal setae.
Pereopod 3 (Figs. 3 B,C) sexually dimorphic with unusual form; basis longer than wide with anterior margin bearing 2 small setae and distal posterior corner with 2 setae; ischium with 3 long setae on distal posterior margin; merus with distal ventral spiniform seta along with several attenuated singly inserted setae; carpus rectangular, with dorsal margin bearing distal lobe overlapping base of propodus and armed with 2 spiniform setae, ventral lateral margin with curved and straight spiniform setae on internal face; medial internal face with 2 spiniform setae, 1 short and 1 long, near juncture with propodus; distal dorsal margin with 2 spiniform setae; propodus without broom setae and without dorsal or ventral spiniform setae with 2 attenuate setae and single spiniform setae on distalventral margin of external face; dorsaldistal margin above dactyl with single stout, serrated spiniform seta and hooklike seta; internal lateral face of propodus near dactyl with 2 stout curved spiniform setae; dactylus divided, having weakly chitonized anterior portion with single lateral seta on external margin and single ventral seta near distal part of dactylus.
Pereopod 4 (Figs. 3 E,F) basis with group of 3 broom setae on anterior margin followed by 2 small simple setae; posterior distal margin with 2 long attenuate setae; ischium unremarkable; merus dorsally with single distal spiniform seta and ventrally with numerous attenuate setae and distal spiniform seta; carpus dorsally with distal lobe bearing 3 spiniform setae joining row of setae on external face; setae in transverse row with 2 stout serrate setae and 6 simple setae; ventrolateral margin of external surface with transverse row of single serrate setae and 2 attenuate setae; ventral margin of carpus with 4 spiniform setae and numerous long setae singly inserted; propodus dorsal margin with large broom setae on anterior 1/3 of segment; with 2 spiniform setae on dorsal margin of carpus dorsal to dactylus and joining transverse row of setae on external face; transverse setal row with 2 serrate spiniform setae and about 6 long attenuate setae; ventral margin of propodus with 4 spiniform setae on distal 2/3; dactylus compound with 1 dorsal and 2 ventral setae.
Pereopod 5 (Figs. 3 G,H) basis inflated with single long seta on ventral distal margin; ischium typical; merus with 3 spiniform setae on ventral margin; carpus dorsally with 3 curved serrated setae on distal margin and with 10 spiniform setae on ventral margin; propodus with broom setae on anterior 1/3 of dorsal margin and with single curved spiniform seta distally; ventral margin with numerous setae as figured including 4 long serrate setae truncate at tips, situated dorsal to dactylus; dactylus compound, shorter than truncated setae and less than half length of propodus, with ventral tooth as illustrated.
Pereopod 6 (Fig. 3 I) basis inflated as in P5; anterior margin with 4 broom setae and 4 small simple setae; ischium with 3 long attenuate setae on ventrodistal margin; merus dorsal margin with single long seta and ventral margin with single small serrate spineseta; carpus dorsal margin with long distal serrate spineseta and ventral margin with 9 curved serrate spinesetae (not all figured); propodus with broom seta on midpoint of article with 5 distal setae; dactylus compound, nearly as long as distal setae on propodus, anterior portion with single dorsal and ventral seta.
Pereopod 7 (Figs. 3 J,K) basis inflated, posteriorly lined with 16 plumose setae and 2 broom setae; ischium normal; merus with dorsal seta and 2 spiniform setae on ventral margin; carpus dorsally with 34 plumose setae and distal serrated spiniform setae; ventral margin with 9 spiniform setae; propodus with dorsal broom seta located near midpoint of article and with transverse row of 17 comblike spines (some trifid) on outer lateral distal margin; dactylus nearly as long as propodus with 1 dorsal and 1 ventral seta on anterior portion of compound dactylus.
Adult Female (TL 4.0 mm).–Head and Body (Figs. 1 E,F) as in male.
Antennular peduncle as in male, article 1 with basal 1/3 of inner margin with serrations and cluster of 3 broom setae on outer margin; outer flagellum with 10 articles, inner flagellum with 5 6; terminus of outer flagellum with 3 setae, articles 6 and 8 with flattened sensory setae on inner margins; inner antennular flagellum terminating in 1 broom and 3 simple setae.
Antenna with squama bearing 7 setae; peduncle with 5 articles and flagellum with 8.
Labium with 1articulated palp with 3 terminal setulate setae.
Mandible stout, with 3articulated palp; right mandible with pars molaris bearing 4 serrated setae with bifid tips; lacina mobilis resembling molar with 45 cusps; mandibular palp with first article bearing 2 setae on dorsal margin and second article with 3 setae on inner margin, with first falcate and serrated; third article with 9 serrate and single distal seta; left mandibular molar smaller than right with 23 cusps and pars molaris bearing 5 setae.
Cheliped (Fig. 2D) with exopod of 3 articles; second article exopodite with 23 setae on anterior proximal margin; third article with 4 plumose setae; basis of cheliped with 3 small spines on anterior margin.
Maxillule with 2articulated palp; outer endite terminating with 78 curved setae, basally setulate and with single small seta on outer margin; inner endite terminating with 5 flagellated setae; palp with 3 terminal setae including 2 comb setae and third seta with subterminal serrations.
Maxilla outer endite with serrations and 5 terminal combed setae; inner endite outer margin with 5 curved setae and inner margin with single subterminal flagellated seta and 2 terminal flagellated setae; distal margin with 3 trifid setae and single
branch like seta; inner endite with filter basket of about 20 curved setae with bifid tips.
Maxilliped, as described for male, with inner endite bearing 2 coupling hooks on outer margin and plumose setae on inner margin; distal margin of inner endite bearing large boneshaped setae; palp of maxilliped of 5 articles, article 3 bearing 2 long setae on outer margin.
Cheliped (Fig. 2D) coxa provided with large 3articulated exopod; first article of exopod with 2 anteriorly directed setae; third article with 4 plumose setae; basis elongated with posterior spiniform seta on distal 2/3 of article and single seta near junction with merus; merus with several setae on ventral margin; carpus, elongate with several setae on ventral margin; propodus with several blunt setae on fixed finger near distal sclerotized tooth of cheliped; distal tooth on fixed finger projecting inwardly and overlapped on outer margin by tooth on dactylus.
Pereopod 2 resembling that of male, but not as robust; large seta on dorsal lobe of merus not serrate (as in male).
Pereopod 3 (Fig. 3 D) basis quadrate, not enlarged, with 2 broom setae on proximal anterior margin and 3 long attenuated setae on posterodistal margin at junction with ischium; ischium with similar setae; merus with 1 dorsal spineseta and 3 ventral spinesetae, outer lateral margin with transverse row of setae near midpoint and near ventrodistal margin; carpus with dorsal lobe with 2 serrate spinesetae, ventral margin with 4 spinesetae; outer lateral margins with 3 rows of transverse setae characterized by serrated dorsal spinesetae and several long attenuate setae; propodus with or without broom setae on anterior 1/3 of article and with 3 long distal setae; ventral margin with 4 spinesetae; anterodistal outer lateral margin with row of long attenuate setae mixed with 2 serratespiniform setae; dactylus divided, lacking setae.
Pereopods 47 as described for male.
Uropod (Fig 3 M) peduncle short with paired lateral setae; endopod missing in all specimens; exopod with 7 articles and 4 terminal setae; first article of exopod with ventral lobe; all articles except second with paired lateral setae on distal margin.
Pleopods (Fig. 3 l) typical, with several plumose setae on peduncle and many plumose setae on each ramus.
Oostegites: 5 pairs on cheliped and P2P5
Type locality: Navassa Island, 18(24.820' N, 75(01.820' W, U.S. Territory, Caribbean Sea, off the southeastern coast of Cuba.
Etymology: Named for the type locality.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Parapseudidae
- Genus
- Saltipedis
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Tanaidacea
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Hansknecht & Heard & Martin
- Species
- navassensis
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Saltipedis navassensis Hansknecht, 2001 sec. Hansknecht, Heard & Martin, 2001