Genus Arctocypris Petkovski et al., 2016

Diagnosis (amended from Petkovski et al. 2016). Carapace relatively small (0.8 to 1.2 mm in length), sub-triangular in lateral view, maximum height anterior of mid-length, greater than half of length. Anterior margin broadly rounded, posterior margin narrower, but rounded. Ventral margin concave with small expansion in mouth region. Dorsal view rounded to marginally lateral compressed, anterior end pointed and sometimes slightly compressed, posterior end more rounded. LV overlaps RV along entire free margin. LV with one or two lists on anterior calcified inner lamella, and one list on posterior calcified inner lamella. RV anterior and posterior calcified inner lamellae each with one list. Palp of Mx with cylindrical terminal segment, about twice as long as broad. Tooth bristles on third Mx endite serrated. L5 with d and b setae, no c-seta. Base of L6 with d1 seta; d2 absent.

Species included. Arctocypris fuhrmanni Petkovski et al., 2016 (type species), Arctocypris arctica (Olofsson, 1918), Arctocypris foveata (Delorme, 1968), Arctocypris dulcifons (Diebel & Pietrzeniuk, 1969), Arctocypris mareotica (Fischer, 1855) comb. nov. (see Discussion for further details), Arctocypris edita n. sp.