## Files Description The dataset is presented as a collection of .csv files, where each file represents one exercise performed by one person. The nomenclature of the files is the following: SubjectID_DateID_GestureLabel_RepetitionNumber_CorrectLabel_Position.txt SubjectID: id uniquely identifying the person performing the exercise. DateID: id identifying the session in which the person was recorded GestureLabel: Label identifying the gesture; possible values are from 0 to 8. RepetitionNumber: Each gesture was repeated several times and this shows the repetition number. CorrectLabel: A value of 1 represents a gesture labeled as being correctly executed, while a value of 2 is for a gesture labeled as incorrect. Position: Some of the persons performed the gestures sitting on a chair or wheelchair, while others standing ###RawData folder RawData folder contains the files in a raw format. Each raw data file contains per line: timestamp, XX, XX, followed by a 25 pairs of (JointName, TrackedStatus, 3d coordinate X, 3d coordinate Y, 3d coordinate Z, 2d coordinate X, 2d coordinate Y) The simplified folder contains the same files as the RawData, but on each line there are only the 3d coordinates (25 joints X 3 3d coordinates per joint = 75 data points per line) ###Simplified folder In the simplified folder, the data on columns is the following: SpineBase SpineMid Neck Head ShoulderLeft ElbowLeft WristLeft HandLeft ShoulderRight ElbowRight WristRight HandRight HipLeft KneeLeft AnkleLeft FootLeft HipRight KneeRight AnkleRight FootRight SpineShoulder HandTipLeft ThumbLeft HandTipRight ThumbRight ###DepthImages folder In this file you will find a folder with the same name as the corresponding file from the RawData/Simplified folders. These folders contain the depth images for each performed gesture. ## Version history 3 October 2020: Update dataset to include depth images 25 June 2020: - Updating the readme.txt file with dataset description