C$Header: /csys/software/cvsroot/REcoM/pkg/recom/RECOM_PARAMS.h,v 1.19 2008/04/17 14:25:51 mlosch Exp $ C$Name: $ C C model run identification: C C attenuation coefficient [m^{-1}] C _RL kappa C chlorophyll specific attenuation coefficients [m^{-1} (mg CHL)^{-1}] _RL a_chl C----- C (small) phytoplankton parameters C----- C photosynth_growth C CHL-specific intial slope of P-I curve, unit depends on unit of C radiation _RL alpha C Temperature dependent maximum of C-specific rate of photosynthesis [d^{-1}] _RL P_cm C CO2 sensitivity of photosynthesis: not used so far! _RL k_CO2 C photosynth_growth C N_utilization C Half-saturation constant for nitrate uptake [mmol N m^{-3}] _RL k_din C scaling factor for temperature dependent maximum of C-specific C nitrogen uptake _RL V_cm_fact C N_utilization C respi_degrad_exud C Maintenance respiration rate constant [d^{-1}] _RL res_phy C Cost of biosynthesis [mmol C (mmol N)^{-1}] _RL biosynth C CHL degradation rate constant [d^{-1}] _RL deg_CHL C phytoplankton loss of organic N compounds [d^{-1}] _RL lossN C phytoplankton loss of carbon [d^{-1}] _RL lossC C excretion of zooplankzon _RL lossN_z _RL lossC_z C respi_degrad_exud C----- C Now the same parameters again for Diatoms C----- C photosynth_growth C CHL-specific intial slope of P-I curve, unit depends on unit of C radiation _RL alpha_d C Temperature dependent maximum of C-specific rate of photosynthesis [d^{-1}] _RL P_cm_d C CO2 sensitivity of photosynthesis: not used so far! _RL k_CO2_d C photosynth_growth C N_utilization C Half-saturation constant for nitrate uptake [mmol N m^{-3}] _RL k_din_d C scaling factor for temperature dependent maximum of C-specific C nitrogen uptake _RL V_cm_fact_d C N_utilization C respi_degrad_exud C Maintenance respiration rate constant [d^{-1}] _RL res_phy_d C Cost of biosynthesis [mmol C (mmol N)^{-1}] _RL biosynth_d C CHL degradation rate constant [d^{-1}] _RL deg_CHL_d C phytoplankton loss of organic N compounds [d^{-1}] _RL lossN_d C phytoplankton loss of carbon [d^{-1}] _RL lossC_d C respi_degrad_exud C start remineralisation C temperature dependent remineralisation rate of detritus [d^{-1}] _RL reminN, reminC, reminSi C respiration by heterotrophs and mortality (loss to detritus) [d^{-1}] _RL res_het, recip_res_het _RL loss_het C temperature dependent N degradation of extracellular organic N (EON) [d^{-1}] _RL rho_N C temperature dependent C degradation of extracellular organic C (EOC) [d^{-1}] _RL rho_C1 C temperature dependent C degradation of TEP-C [d^{-1}] _RL rho_C2 C end remineralisation C start grazing&aggregation C------------------------------------ C The following 2 Variables are only used when 2 classes of phytoplanton are around. C Nevertheless we define them here in any case C (maximum) diatom preference [dimensionless, smaller than 1] _RL pzdia C half-saturation parameter for grazing preference for diatoms [(mmol N m^{-3})^2] _RL sdiasq C------------------------------------ C maximum grazing loss parameter [mmol N m^{-3} d^{-1}] _RL graz_max C half saturation grazing loss [mmol N^{2} m^{-6}] _RL epsilon C grazing efficiency (fraction of grazing flux into zooplankton pool) _RL grazEff C maximum aggregation loss parameters [m^{3} mmol N^{-1} d^{-1}] _RL agg_PP, agg_PD CMLC half saturation parameter for collision and stickiness probability CMLC (TEP dependend) [mmol C m^{-3}] (TEP-C concentration) CML _RL k_TEP C phytoplankton sinking velocity [m/d] _RL Vphy _RL Vdia C sinking velocity of detritus [m/d] _RL Vdet #ifdef ALLOW_SINK_INCREASE C------------------------------------------------------ C The following 2 variables are only used when vertically increasing C detritus sinking speed is being used CTW increaing sinking velocity of detritus [d^{-1};m/d] _RL Vdet_a _RL Vdet_b C------------------------------------------------------- #endif C decay rate of detritus in the benthic layers [d^{-1}] _RL decayRateBenN _RL decayRateBenC _RL decayRateBenSi #ifdef RECOM_CALCIFICATION _RL decayRateBenCa #endif C end grazing&aggregation C start TEP stuff C TEP fraction (f_TEP-x) found in POM, dimensionless _RL f_TEP, x C stickiness for PCHO-PCHO _RL agg_PCHO C stickiness for TEP-PCHO _RL agg_TEP C end TEP stuff C start silica parameters C Cost of biosynthesis [mmol C (mmol Si)^{-1}] _RL biosynthSi C silica saturation constant [mmol Si m^{-3}] _RL k_Si C minimum Si:N ratio _RL SiNmin C maximum Si:N ratio _RL SiNmax C minimum Si:C ratio _RL SiCmin C maximum Si:C ratio _RL SiCmax _RL SiCuptakeRatio C end silica and iron related parameters logical FeLimit #ifdef RECOM_CONSTANT_FE2N C iron to carbon ratio [micromol Fe mmol C^{-1} _RL Fe2N #ifdef RECOM_IRON_BENTHOS _RL Fe2N_benthos #endif C iron to carbon ration [micromol Fe mmol C^{-1} _RL Fe2N_d #else C iron to carbon ratio [micromol Fe mmol C^{-1} _RL Fe2C #ifdef RECOM_IRON_BENTHOS _RL Fe2C_benthos #endif C iron to carbon ration [micromol Fe mmol C^{-1} _RL Fe2C_d #endif C iron saturation constant [micromol m^{-3}] _RL k_Fe C iron saturation constant [micromol m^{-3}] _RL k_Fe_d C start iron chemistry parameters [d^{-1}] [order 0.0005-0.005 per day] _RL kScavFe C total free ligand [mumol m^{-3}] [order 1] _RL totalLigand C ligand-free iron stability constanty [m^{3}/mumol] [order 100] _RL ligandStabConst C end iron chemistry parameters C some external parameters (irrelevant to recom_sms and below C deviation from Si2N for initial conditions _RL ini_Si C nmol Fe m^{-3} initial in upper 3 layers _RL ini_Fe C factor for initialisation (only relevant for mesocosm simulations) _RL ini C start fixed parameters C [m^{-1}] attenuation due to water _RL k_w C slope of the linear part of the Arrhenius function [Kelvin] _RL Ae C Reference temperature [Kelvin] _RL recom_Tref C----- C small phytoplanton quota C----- C Minimum cell quota of nitrogen (N:C) [mmol N (mmol C)^{-1}] _RL NCmin C Maximum cell quota of nitrogen (N:C) [mmol N (mmol C)^{-1}] _RL NCmax _RL NCuptakeRatio C Maximum CHL a : N ratio [mg CHL (mmol N)^{-1}] = 0.3 gCHL gN^-1 _RL CHL_N_max C----- C diatom quota C----- C Minimum cell quota of nitrogen (N:C) [mmol N (mmol C)^{-1}] _RL NCmin_d C Maximum cell quota of nitrogen (N:C) [mmol N (mmol C)^{-1}] _RL NCmax_d _RL NCuptakeRatio_d C Maximum CHL a : N ratio [mg CHL (mmol N)^{-1}] = 0.3 gCHL gN^-1 _RL CHL_N_max_d C constant Redfield C:N ratio _RL redfield C slopes for limiting functions _RL NMinSlope _RL NMaxSlope _RL SiMinSlope _RL SiMaxSlope #ifdef RECOM_CALCIFICATION _RL calc_prod_ratio _RL calc_diss_guts _RL calc_diss_rate #endif C lower limit for variables (sometimes it is necessary for numerical C stability reasons to increase this to 1e-8 or even 1e-6 ) _RL tiny C some model parameters C --------------------- CML _RL dt ! time step within REcoM unit 'day' C internal biological loop size (the model is stepped bio_step times C during one physical time step integer bio_step CML integer bgc_num ! total number of biochemical variables C parameters _RL c0, c1, p5, c2 parameter ( c0 = 0.D0, c1 = 1.D0, p5 = 0.5D0, c2 = 2.D0 ) C seconds _RL one_day parameter ( one_day = 86400. ) C seconds _RL one_hour parameter ( one_hour = 3600. ) C celsius2K:: conversion of Celsius into Kelvin _RL recom_celsius2K parameter ( recom_celsius2K = 273.15 ) integer unset_integer parameter ( unset_integer = 123456789 ) _RL unset_real parameter ( unset_real = 123456.789) logical useReminSiT logical TEPaggregation logical EvansParslow logical SINKadv logical benthicLayer logical write_flag #ifndef ALLOW_MODULES COMMON /RECOM_INTERNAL_PARM_L/ & useReminSiT, & TEPaggregation, & EvansParslow, & SINKadv, & benthicLayer, & FeLimit, & write_flag COMMON /RECOM_INTERNAL_PARM_R/ & a_chl, & alpha, & P_cm, & k_din, & V_cm_fact, & res_phy, & deg_CHL, & lossN, & lossC, & alpha_d, & P_cm_d, & k_din_d, & V_cm_fact_d, & res_phy_d, & deg_CHL_d, & lossN_d, & lossC_d, & rho_N, & rho_C1, & rho_C2, & lossN_z, & lossC_z, & decayRateBenN, & decayRateBenC, & decayRateBenSi, #ifdef RECOM_CALCIFICATION & decayRateBenCa, #endif & f_TEP, & x, & agg_PCHO, & agg_TEP, & agg_PD, & agg_PP, & reminN, & reminC, & res_het, & recip_res_het, & loss_het, #ifdef RECOM_2CLASSES & pzdia, #ifdef RECOM_GRAZING_VARIABLE_PREFERENCE & sdiasq, #endif #endif & graz_max, & epsilon, & grazEff, & Vphy, & Vdia, & Vdet, #ifdef ALLOW_SINK_INCREASE & Vdet_a, & Vdet_b, #endif & k_CO2, & ini, & biosynth, & biosynthSi, & k_w, & Ae, & recom_Tref, & redfield, & NCuptakeRatio, NCmax, NCmin, & CHL_N_max, & NCuptakeRatio_d, NCmax_d, NCmin_d, & CHL_N_max_d, & k_Si, & reminSi, & SiNmin, SiNmax, & SiCmin, SiCmax, SiCuptakeRatio, #ifdef RECOM_CONSTANT_FE2N & Fe2N, #ifdef RECOM_IRON_BENTHOS & Fe2N_benthos, #endif & Fe2N_d, #else & Fe2C, #ifdef RECOM_IRON_BENTHOS & Fe2C_benthos, #endif & Fe2C_d, #endif & k_Fe, & k_Fe_d, & kScavFe, & totalLigand, & ligandStabConst, & ini_Si, & ini_Fe, & NMinSlope, NMaxSlope, SiMinSlope, SiMaxSlope, #ifdef RECOM_CALCIFICATION & calc_prod_ratio, & calc_diss_guts, & calc_diss_rate, #endif & tiny COMMON /RECOM_INTERNAL_PARM_I/ & bio_step #ifdef RECOM_ATMOSPCO2_HISTORY integer recom_pco2_int1, recom_pco2_int2, & recom_pco2_int3, recom_pco2_int4 COMMON /RECOM_ATMOSPCO2_PARAMS/ & recom_pco2_int1, recom_pco2_int2, & recom_pco2_int3, recom_pco2_int4 #endif /* RECOM_ATMOSPCO2_HISTORY */ #endif /* not ALLOW_MODULES */ #ifndef ALLOW_MITGCM C parameters that are only needed for support of vectorization C do not change in 1D configuration!!!! integer sNx, sNy, Olx, Oly, nSx, nSy parameter ( sNx = 1, nSx = 1, Olx = 0 ) parameter ( sNy = 1, nSy = 1, Oly = 0 ) #endif /* ALLOW_MITGCM */