C$Header: /csys/software/cvsroot/REcoM/MITgcm/recom/RECOM_OPTIONS.h,v 1.4 2007/02/09 15:20:14 mlosch Exp $ C$Name: $ CBOP C !ROUTINE: RECOM_OPTIONS.h C !INTERFACE: C !DESCRIPTION: C C CPP flags controlling which code included in the REcoM files that C will be compiled. C #ifndef RECOM_OPTIONS_H #define RECOM_OPTIONS_H #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h" #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_RECOM #define ALLOW_MITGCM C--------------------- CCV In REcoM-2, silicate and iron are always modeled; no need to CCV set it here; delete this part later CC only possible or reasonable for REcoM with Silicate and Iron C#if NUMBER_OF_PTRACERS == 16 C allow some extra output C#define ALLOW_RECOM_SILICATE C allow some extra fields to load iron dust decomposition into the model C#define ALLOW_RECOM_FEINPUT C#endif /* NUMBER_OF_PTRACERS == 16 */ CCV CCV Instead we set a variable that says we are dealing with two CCV phytoplankton classes. This is not used consistently yet! CCV #define RECOM_2CLASSES #define RECOM_GRAZING_VARIABLE_PREFERENCE #define RECOM_CALCIFICATION #undef RECOM_ATMOSPCO2_HISTORY C--------------------- CTW increased sinking speed #define ALLOW_SINK_INCREASE CCV Short iron recycling loop C Excreted organic iron is directly put into bioavailable iron #define RECOM_FE_RECYCLING_SHORT #define RECOM_CONSTANT_FE2N CCV vertical fluxes of PON, POC, Calc and BSi are defined as diagnostics #define RECOM_EXPORT_DIAGNOSTICS CCV many different additional diagnostics for the MAREMIP model intercomparison #define RECOM_MAREMIP C- settings for how complex iron chemistry should be #undef RECOM_IRON_PHOTOCHEM #undef RECOM_IRON_VARIABLE_LIGANDS #undef RECOM_MANY_LIGANDS #undef RECOM_IRON_COLLOIDS #undef RECOM_IRON_LITHOGENIC_PARTICLES #define RECOM_IRON_BENTHOS C catch bad CPP-flag combination #ifdef DIC_BIOTIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This text is put here deliberately: RECOM should not be defined together with DIC_BIOTIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #endif /* DIC_BIOTIC */ #endif /* ALLOW_RECOM */ C NOTE: none of the flags below will be used anywhere, because C RECOM_OPTIONS.h will not be include into the REcoM model. C Use, e.g. C set DEFINES='-DEULER -DWRITE -DPARVE -DASTRO_RAD' C in the .genmakerc of REcoM/bin instead. C#undef EULER C#undef WRITE C#undef PARVE C#undef ASTRO_RAD C#undef EP85 C#undef TEP_AGG #endif /* RECOM_OPTIONS_H */