Tree species,Species utility to koala,Bioregion,Report title,Short citation Acacia blakei subsp. blakei,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Acacia concurrens,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Acacia disaparrima,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Acacia disparrima subsp. disparrima,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Acacia excelsa,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Acacia harpophylla,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Acacia harpophylla,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Acacia leiocalyx,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Acacia pendula,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Acacia salicina,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Acacia stenophylla,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Acacia tephrina,Medium,Desert Uplands,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Acacia tephrina,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Acalypha eremorum,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Acmena ingens,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Acmena smithii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,DPIE (2019) Acmena smithii,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Acronychia imperforata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Agathis robusta,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Alangium villosum subsp. tomentosum,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Alchornea ilicifolia,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Alectryon connatus,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Alectryon coriaceus,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Alectryon diversifolius,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Alectryon oleifolius,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Alectryon subdentatus,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Alectryon subdentatus,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Allocasuarina littoralis,Medium,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Allocasuarina littoralis,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Allocasuarina littoralis,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Allocasuarina littoralis,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Allocasuarina luehmannii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Allocasuarina torulosa,Medium,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Allocasuarina torulosa,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Allocasuarina torulosa,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Allocasuarina torulosa,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Alphitonia excelsa,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Alphitonia excelsa,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Alphitonia excelsa,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Angophora bakeri,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Angophora costata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Angophora floribunda,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Angophora floribunda,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Angophora floribunda,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Angophora leiocarpa,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Angophora leiocarpa,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Angophora subvelutina,Medium,South East Queensland,Scattered paddock trees and roadside vegetation can provide important habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in an agricultural landscape. Barth et al. 2020,Barth (2020) Angophora subvelutina,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Angophora subvelutina,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Angophora woodsiana,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Angophora woodsiana,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Aphananthe philippinensis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Araucaria bidwillii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Araucaria cunninghamii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Archidendropsis thozetiana,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Archontophoenix alexandrae,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Archontophoenix cunninghamiana,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Argyrodendron actinophyllum,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Argyrodendron sp. (Kin W.D.Francis AQ81198),none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Argyrodendron trifoliolatum,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Arytera divaricata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Backhousia myrtifolia,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Backhousia subargentea,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Baloghia inophylla,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Banksia aemula,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Banksia integrifolia subsp. integrifolia,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Banksia oblongifolia,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Banksia robur,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Banksia serrata,Medium,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Banksia spinulosa var. collina,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Baumea juncea,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Beilschmiedia obtusifolia,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Boronia falcifolia,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Brachychiton acerifolius,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Brachychiton discolor,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Brachychiton populneus,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Brachychiton populneus,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Brachychiton rupestris,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Bridelia exaltata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Bridelia leichhardtii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Bursaria incana,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Caldcluvia paniculosa,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Callistemon salignus,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Callitris baileyi,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Callitris columellaris,Medium,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Callitris columellaris,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Callitris columellaris,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Callitris endicheri,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Callitris glaucophylla,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Callitris glaucophylla,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Capparis arborea,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Cassia brewsteri,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Castanospermum australe,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Casuarina cristata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Casuarina cristata,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Casuarina cunninghamiana,Medium,South East Queensland,Scattered paddock trees and roadside vegetation can provide important habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in an agricultural landscape. Barth et al. 2020,Barth (2020) Casuarina cunninghamiana,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Casuarina cunninghamiana subsp. cunninghamiana,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Casuarina equisetifolia subsp. incana,Medium,Central Queensland Coast,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Casuarina equisetifolia subsp. incana,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Casuarina glauca,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Casuarina glauca,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Ceratopetalum apetalum,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Ceratopetalum apetalum,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Cinnamomum camphora,Medium,South East Queensland,Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland. Oliveira et al. 2014,Oliveira et al. (2014) Cinnamonum camphora,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Citronella moorei,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Citrus glauca,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Coatesia paniculata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Corymbia citriodora,Medium,South East Queensland,Scattered paddock trees and roadside vegetation can provide important habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in an agricultural landscape. Barth et al. 2020,Barth (2020) Corymbia citriodora,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Corymbia citriodora,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Corymbia citriodora,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Corymbia clarksoniana,Medium,Central Queensland Coast,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Corymbia clarksoniana,Medium,Central Queensland Coast,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Corymbia clarksoniana,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Corymbia dallachiana,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Corymbia dallachiana,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Corymbia erythrophloia,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Corymbia erythrophloia,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Corymbia eximia,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Corymbia gummifera,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Corymbia gummifera,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Corymbia gummifera,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Corymbia gummifera,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Corymbia henryi,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Corymbia henryi,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Corymbia henryi,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Corymbia henryi,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Corymbia intermedia,Medium,South East Queensland,Scattered paddock trees and roadside vegetation can provide important habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in an agricultural landscape. Barth et al. 2020,Barth (2020) Corymbia intermedia,Medium,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Corymbia intermedia,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Corymbia intermedia,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Corymbia intermedia,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Corymbia intermedia,Medium,South East Queensland,Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland. Oliveira et al. 2014,Oliveira et al. (2014) Corymbia intermedia,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Corymbia maculata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Corymbia maculata,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Corymbia terminalis,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Corymbia tessellaris,Medium,South East Queensland,Scattered paddock trees and roadside vegetation can provide important habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in an agricultural landscape. Barth et al. 2020,Barth (2020) Corymbia tessellaris,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Corymbia tessellaris,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Corymbia tessellaris,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Corymbia trachyphloia,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Corymbia trachyphloia,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Corymbia trachyphloia subsp. trachyphloia,Lower,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Corymbia variegata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Corymbia watsoniana,Lower,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Croton acronychioides,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Croton insularis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Cryptocarya bidwillii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Cryptocarya erythroxylon,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Cryptocarya microneura,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Cryptocarya obovata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Cryptocarya triplinervis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Cupaniopsis anacardioides,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Cupaniopsis parvifolia,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Cupaniopsis simulata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Dendrocnide excelsa,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Dendrocnide photinophylla,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Denhamia oleaster,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Denhamia pittosporoides,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Diospyros fasciculosa,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Diospyros geminata,Lower,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Diospyros humilis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Diospyros pentamera,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Diploglottis australis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Dissiliaria baloghioides,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Doryphora sassafras,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Drypetes deplanchei,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Dysoxylum fraserianum,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Dysoxylum mollissimum subsp. molle,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Elaeocarpus grandis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Elaeocarpus kirtonii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Elaeocarpus obovatus,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Elattostachys xylocarpa,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Endiandra pubens,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Endiandra sieberi,Lower,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eremophila mitchellii,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eremophila mitchellii,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south west Queensland. IV. Abundance and conservation status. Sullivan et al 2004,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus ochrophloia,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus ochrophloia,Medium,"Mosty Mulga Lands, one site in Mitchell Grass Downs and another one in Brigalow Belt South","The dietary preferences of koalas, Phascolarctos cinereus, in southwest Queensland. Wu et al. 2012",Wu et al. (2012) Eucalyptus acaciiformis,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus acmenoides,Medium,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Eucalyptus acmenoides,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus acmenoides,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus acmenoides,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus acmenoides,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus agglomerata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus albens,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus albens,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus amplifolia,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus amplifolia,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus baileyana,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus baileyana,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus bancroftii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus bancroftii,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus bancroftii,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus banksii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus banksii,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus baueriana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus baxteri,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus bensonii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus bicostata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus biturbinata,Higher,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus biturbinata,Higher,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus biturbinata,Higher,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus blakelyi,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus blaxlandii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus bosistoana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus botryoides,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus bridgesiana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus brownii,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus brunnea,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus caleyi,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus caliginosa,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus camaldulensis,Higher,Desert Uplands,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus camaldulensis,Higher,Mitchell Grass Downs,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus camaldulensis,Higher,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus camaldulensis,Higher,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus camaldulensis,Higher,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus camaldulensis,Higher,"Mosty Mulga Lands, one site in Mitchell Grass Downs and another one in Brigalow Belt South","The dietary preferences of koalas, Phascolarctos cinereus, in southwest Queensland. Wu et al. 2012",Wu et al. (2012) Eucalyptus cambageana,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus cambageana,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus cambageana,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus cameronii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus camfieldii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus campanulata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus campanulata,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus campanulata,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus camphora,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus canaliculata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus canaliculata,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus cannonii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus capitallata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus carnea,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus carnea,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus carnea,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus carnea,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus cephalocarpa,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus chloroclada,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus cinerea,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus cloeziana,Lower,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus conica,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus conjuncta,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus consideniana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus coolabah,Medium,Desert Uplands,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus coolabah,Medium,Mitchell Grass Downs,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus coolabah,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus coolabah,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus coolabah,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus coolabah,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus coolabah,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus coolabah,Medium,"Mosty Mulga Lands, one site in Mitchell Grass Downs and another one in Brigalow Belt South","The dietary preferences of koalas, Phascolarctos cinereus, in southwest Queensland. Wu et al. 2012",Wu et al. (2012) Eucalyptus crebra,Medium,South East Queensland,Scattered paddock trees and roadside vegetation can provide important habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in an agricultural landscape. Barth et al. 2020,Barth (2020) Eucalyptus crebra,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus crebra,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus crebra,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus crebra,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus crebra,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus crebra,Medium,South East Queensland,Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland. Oliveira et al. 2014,Oliveira et al. (2014) Eucalyptus crebra,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus cypellocarpa,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus dalrympleana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus dealbata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus deanei,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus decolor,Lower,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus decorticans,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus decorticans,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus dives,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus dorrigoensis,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus drepanophylla,Medium,Central Queensland Coast,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus drepanophylla,Medium,Central Queensland Coast,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus drepanophylla,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus dunnii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus dunnii,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus dura,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus dura,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus dwyeri,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus elata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus eugenioides,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus eugenioides,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus eugenioides,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus exserta,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus exserta,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus exserta,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus exserta,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus fastigata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus fibrosa,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus fibrosa,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus fibrosa subsp. fibrosa,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus fibrosa subsp. fibrosa,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus glaucina,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus glaucina,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus globoidea,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus globoidea,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus goniocalyx,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus grandis,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus grandis,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus grandis,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus haemastoma,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus helidonica,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus imitans,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus intermedia,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus interstans,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus interstans,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus intertexta,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus intertexta,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus laevopinea,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus laevopinea,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus laevopinea,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus largeana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus largeana,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus largiflorens,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus latisinensis,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus leucoxylon,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus ligustrina,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus longifolia,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus longirostrata,Higher,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus macrorhyncha,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus maidenii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus major,Higher,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus major,Higher,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus major,Higher,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus malacoxylon,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus mannifera,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus mckieana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus melanoleuca,Lower,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus melanophloia,Medium,South East Queensland,Scattered paddock trees and roadside vegetation can provide important habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in an agricultural landscape. Barth et al. 2020,Barth (2020) Eucalyptus melanophloia,Medium,Mitchell Grass Downs,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus melanophloia,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus melanophloia,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus melanophloia,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus melanophloia,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus melanophloia,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus melanophloia,Medium,"Mosty Mulga Lands, one site in Mitchell Grass Downs and another one in Brigalow Belt South","The dietary preferences of koalas, Phascolarctos cinereus, in southwest Queensland. Wu et al. 2012",Wu et al. (2012) Eucalyptus melliodora,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus melliodora,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus michaeliana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus microcarpa,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus microcarpa,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus microcarpa,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus microcorys,Higher,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Eucalyptus microcorys,Higher,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus microcorys,Higher,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus microcorys,Higher,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus microcorys,Higher,South East Queensland,Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland. Oliveira et al. 2014,Oliveira et al. (2014) Eucalyptus microcorys,Higher,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus moluccana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus moluccana,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus moluccana,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus montivaga,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus muelleriana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus nandewarica,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus nicholii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus nobilis,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus nobilis,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus nobilis,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus nortonii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus notabilis,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus nova-anglica,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus obliqua,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus obliqua,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus oblonga,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus odorata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus orchrophloia,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus oreades,Lower,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus orgadophila,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus orgadophila,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus orgadophila,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus ovata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus paniculata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus parramattensis,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus pauciflora,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus pilligaensis,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus pilularis,Medium,South East Queensland,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus pilularis,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus pilularis,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus pilularis,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus piperita,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus placita,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus placita,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus planchoniana,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus planchoniana,Medium,South East Queensland,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus planchoniana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus planchoniana,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus planchoniana,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus platyphylla,Medium,Central Queensland Coast,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus platyphylla,Medium,Central Queensland Coast,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus platyphylla,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus polyanthemos,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus populnea,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus populnea,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus populnea,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus populnea,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus populnea,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus populnea,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south west Queensland. IV. Abundance and conservation status. Sullivan et al 2004,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus populnea,Medium,"Mosty Mulga Lands, one site in Mitchell Grass Downs and another one in Brigalow Belt South","The dietary preferences of koalas, Phascolarctos cinereus, in southwest Queensland. Wu et al. 2012",Wu et al. (2012) Eucalyptus portuensis,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus praecox,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus prava,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus prominula,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus propinqua,Higher,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Eucalyptus propinqua,Higher,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus propinqua,Higher,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus propinqua,Higher,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus propinqua,Higher,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus psammitica,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus psammitica,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus psammitica,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus pseudoglobulus,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus punctata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus punctata,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus quadrangulata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus racemosa,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus racemosa,Medium,South East Queensland,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus racemosa,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus racemosa,Medium,South East Queensland,Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland. Oliveira et al. 2014,Oliveira et al. (2014) Eucalyptus racemosa,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus racemosa subsp. racemosa,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus radiata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus ralla,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus resinifera,Medium,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Eucalyptus resinifera,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus resinifera,Medium,South East Queensland,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus resinifera,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus resinifera,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus resinifera,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus retinens,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus robusta,Higher,South East Queensland,Scattered paddock trees and roadside vegetation can provide important habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in an agricultural landscape. Barth et al. 2020,Barth (2020) Eucalyptus robusta,Higher,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Eucalyptus robusta,Higher,South East Queensland,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus robusta,Higher,South East Queensland,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus robusta,Higher,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus robusta,Higher,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus robusta,Higher,South East Queensland,Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland. Oliveira et al. 2014,Oliveira et al. (2014) Eucalyptus robusta,Higher,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus rossii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus rubida,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus rudderi,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus rummeryi,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus rummeryi,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus saligna,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus saligna,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus saligna,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus saligna subsp. saligna,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus scias,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus scias,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus sclerophylla,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus scoparia,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus seeana,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus seeana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus seeana,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus seeana,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus siderophloia,Medium,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Eucalyptus siderophloia,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus siderophloia,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus siderophloia,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus siderophloia,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus sideroxylon,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus sideroxylon,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus sieberi,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus signata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus smithii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus sparsifolia,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus stannicola,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus stellulata,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus subtilior,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus taurina,Lower,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus tenella,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,South East Queensland,Scattered paddock trees and roadside vegetation can provide important habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in an agricultural landscape. Barth et al. 2020,Barth (2020) Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,Central Queensland Coast,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,Central Queensland Coast,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,South East Queensland,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,South East Queensland,Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland. Oliveira et al. 2014,Oliveira et al. (2014) Eucalyptus tereticornis,Higher,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus tereticornis subsp. basaltica,Higher,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus tereticornis subsp. tereticornis,Higher,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus thozetiana,Medium,Mulga lands,Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. II. Distribution and diet. Sullivan et al 2003,Sullivan et al. (2004) Eucalyptus thozetiana,Medium,"Mosty Mulga Lands, one site in Mitchell Grass Downs and another one in Brigalow Belt South","The dietary preferences of koalas, Phascolarctos cinereus, in southwest Queensland. Wu et al. 2012",Wu et al. (2012) Eucalyptus tindaliae,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Eucalyptus tindaliae,Medium,South East Queensland,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus tindaliae,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus tindaliae,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus tindaliae,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus tricarpa,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus umbra,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus umbra,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Eucalyptus vicina,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus viminalis,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus volcanica,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus whitei,Medium,Desert Uplands,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Eucalyptus whitei,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus williamsiana,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus woollsiana,Lower,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Eucalyptus yangoura,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Eucalyptus youmanii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Excoecaria dallachyana,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Exocarpos latifolius,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Ficus coronata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Ficus macrophylla forma macrophylla,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Ficus rubiginosa,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Ficus virens,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Ficus watkinsiana,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Flindersia australis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Flindersia collina,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Flindersia dissosperma,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Flindersia schottiana,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Flindersia xanthoxyla,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Geijera parviflora,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Geijera parviflora,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Glochidion sumatranum,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Gmelina leichhardtii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Gossia bidwillii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Grevillea banksii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Grevillea robusta,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Grevillea robusta,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Hakea actites,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Hernandia bivalvis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Hodgkinsonia ovatiflora,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Jagera pseudorhus,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Karrabina benthamiana,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Leptospermum spp.,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Leptospermum trinervium,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Livistona australis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Livistona decora,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Lophostemon confertus,Medium,South East Queensland,Scattered paddock trees and roadside vegetation can provide important habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in an agricultural landscape. Barth et al. 2020,Barth (2020) Lophostemon confertus,Medium,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Lophostemon confertus,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Lophostemon confertus,Medium,South East Queensland,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Lophostemon confertus,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Lophostemon confertus,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Lophostemon suaveolens,Medium,South East Queensland,Scattered paddock trees and roadside vegetation can provide important habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in an agricultural landscape. Barth et al. 2020,Barth (2020) Lophostemon suaveolens,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Lophostemon suaveolens,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Lophostemon suaveolens,Medium,South East Queensland,Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland. Oliveira et al. 2014,Oliveira et al. (2014) Lophostemon suaveolens,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Lysicarpus angustifolius,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Lysiphyllum carronii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Macropteranthes leichhardtii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Mallotus discolor,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Mallotus philippensis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca bracteata,Medium,Brigalow Belt,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Melaleuca bracteata,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca cheelii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca dealbata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca decora,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Melaleuca fluviatilis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca hypericifolia,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Melaleuca irbyana,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca leucodendra,Medium,Central Queensland Coast,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Melaleuca linariifolia,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca nervosa,Medium,Central Queensland Coast,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Melaleuca nervosa,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca nodosa,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Melaleuca nodosa,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca quinquenervia,Medium,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Melaleuca quinquenervia,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Melaleuca quinquenervia,Medium,South East Queensland,The habitat and diet of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Queensland. Melzer et al. 2014,Melzer et al. (2014) Melaleuca quinquenervia,Medium,NSW,"Koala Habitat Information Base Technical Guide. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, INDUSTRY & ENVIRONMENT 2019",DPIE (2019) Melaleuca quinquenervia,Medium,South East Queensland,Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland. Oliveira et al. 2014,Oliveira et al. (2014) Melaleuca quinquenervia,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca quinquinervia,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Melaleuca salicina,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca salignus,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Melaleuca sieberi,Medium,South East Queensland,Fine-scale changes in spatial habitat use by a low-density koala population in an isolated periurban forest remnant. Lollback et al. 2018,Lollback et al. (2018) Melaleuca sieberi,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca thymifolia,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca trichostachya,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca viminalis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melaleuca viridiflora var. viridiflora,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melastoma labathricum subsp.,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melia azedarach,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Melicope elleryana,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Mischocarpus pyriformis subsp. pyriformis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Murraya ovatifoliolata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Neolitsea dealbata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Notelaea microcarpa,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Nothofagus moorei,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Olea paniculata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Orites excelsus,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Owenia acidula,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Pandanus tectorius,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Petalostigma pubescens,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Pinus elliottii,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Pittosporum angustifolium,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Pittosporum undulatum,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Planchonella australis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Planchonella cotinifolia,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Planchonella myrsinifolia,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Planchonella pohlmaniana,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Pleiogynium timorense,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Pleioluma queenslandica,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Pleurostylia opposita,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Podocarpus elatus,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Polyalthia nitidissima,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Pseudoweinmannia lachnocarpa,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Psydrax odorata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Psydrax odorata forma buxifolia,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Rhodosphaera rhodanthema,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Siphonodon australis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Sloanea australis,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Sloanea woollsii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Syncarpia glomulifera,Medium,South East Queensland,"Ranking and mapping koala habitat quality for conservation planning on the basis of indirect evidence of tree-species use: a case study of Noosa Shire, south-eastern Queensland Callaghan et al. 2011",Callaghan et al. (2011) Syncarpia glomulifera,Medium,NSW,A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. Office of Environment and Heritage 2018,OEH 2018 Syncarpia glomulifera,Medium,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Syncarpia glomulifera subsp. glomulifera,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Syncarpia hillii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Syncarpia verecunda,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Synoum glandulosum subsp. glandulosum,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Syzygium australe,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Syzygium corynanthum,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Syzygium crebrinerve,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Syzygium francisii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Syzygium moorei,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Toona ciliata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Tristaniopsis laurina,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Turraea pubescens,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Vachellia bidwillii,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Vitex acuminata,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Vitex lignum-vitae,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) Waterhousea floribunda,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020) malabathricum,none or unknown,South Eastern Queensland,"Spatial modelling for koalas in South East Queensland. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.",DES (2020)