Short description: Dataset contains spatial data and summary datasets to replicate mapping of Queensland koala habitat. Permanent url to the latest version of the dataset: Datasets and spatial data associated with Runge CA, Rhodes JR, Lopez-Cubillos DS. 2020. Mapping koala habitat for greater Queensland. Version 2.0. Qld_habitat_rank_100ha_v2.gpkg (GeoPackage) maps the percentage and rank of koala habitat in 100 ha hexagonal grid cells across Queensland (see report for details). env_suitable.shp (shapefile) maps the current (pre-2020) environmental suitability for koala across Queensland (see report for details). Qld_RE_utility_v2.shp (shapefile) maps the utility of regional ecosystems across Queensland for koalas (see report for details) REDD_QldnoSEQ_summary_for_RE_ranking_v2.csv (comma delimited file) lists the regional ecosystem utility ranking of regional ecosystems found in Queensland and summarises statistics used in that ranking. Koala_tree_list_TableA2.csv (comma delimited file) lists tree species reported to be used by Koalas in Queensland RE_sp_tree_suitability_appendix_table1.csv (comma delimited file) ranks regional ecosystems by their suitability as koala habitat Projection of all spatial data: EPSG 3577 GDA 1994 Australian Albers TABLE AND COLUMN HEADINGS ################################### COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS Qld_habitat_rank_100ha_v2.gpkg Spatial mapping of Habitat ranking for koalas in Queensland (polygon). (1,313,975 rows) "cellid" (integer) = unique identifier for each 100ha hexagonal cell "habitat rank" (text) = highest rank of habitat for koalas in each 100ha hexagonal cell (0-10, 0= not suitable for koalas, 10=very high suitability for koalas). "area_likely" (numeric) = area (hectares) of habitat classed as 'likely' habitat for koalas (rank 8-10) "area_possible" (numeric) = area (hectares) of habitat classed as 'possible' habitat for koalas (rank 4-7) ################################### COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS env_suitable.shp Spatial mapping of environmental suitability of Queensland for koalas, based on pre-2020 climate modelling (polygon). (1739 rows) "env_stbl" (text) = "likely" = Koalas are likely to occur within this climate niche, "possible" = Koalas may occur within this climate niche, "not suitable" = Koalas are unlikely to occur outside this climate niche. COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS Qld_RE_utility_v2.shp Spatial mapping of the utility of regional eocsystems for koala (polygon), based on "RE_suitability_historical" column in REDD_QldnoSEQ_summary_for_RE_ranking_v2.csv. (1,313,975 rows) "Bioregn" (text) = IBRA7 Bioregion name "RE1" (text) = Queensland Herbarium Regional Ecosystem (RE) id code, drawn from the majority RE (RE1) within each polygon "Tr_tlty" (text) = ranking of tree utility for koalas from literature (Higher = Species referred to in a variety of reports and literature, the majority of which were definitive studies, described as being an important utility species for koala. Medium = Species referred to in some reports and literature, can be secondary or anecdotal reference to species used by koalas e.g. species included in a factsheet). Low = Species not referred to in any literature or considered a trace food species for koalas from a definitive study, and/or eucalypt. "n_ktrsp" (integer) = number of koala tree species mentioned in the regional ecosystem description "Euc_prs" (text) = Is any eucalypt species present in the regional ecosystem? "nREpols" (integer) = number of polygons of that regional ecosystem in greater Qld "recnocc" (integer) = number of koala records from that regional ecosystem (recent = 01/01/2000 onwards, historical=01/01/1970 to 31/12/1999) "histncc" (integer) = number of koala records from that regional ecosystem (recent = 01/01/2000 onwards, historical=01/01/1970 to 31/12/1999) "rcnkpls" (integer) = number of polygons of that regional ecosystem where koalas have been recorded from 01/01/2000 onwards "rcpkpls" (numeric) = percentage of polygons of that regional ecosystem where koalas have been recorded from 01/01/2000 onwards "hstnkpl" (integer) = number of polygons of that regional ecosystem where koalas have been recorded from 01/01/1970 to 18/05/2020 "hstpkpl" (numeric) = percentage of polygons of that regional ecosystem where koalas have been recorded from 01/01/1970 to 18/05/2020 "hstREst" (text) = Ranking of regional ecosystem utility for koalas, based on fixed criteria. Very high = Higher tree utility & >1% of RE polygons with any koala records since 1970. High = Medium tree utility and > 1% of RE polygons with koala records. Medium = Higher or Medium tree utility and 0-1% of RE polygons with koala records. Low = Koala trees mentioned in RE Description. "hstREnd" (integer) = Ranking of regional ecosystem utility for koalas (1-5, 1=very high, 5=none) ################################### COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS REDD_QldnoSEQ_summary_for_RE_ranking_v2.csv Data supporting the ranking of the utility of regional ecosystems for koala (1062 rows including header, 15 columns) "re_id" (text) = Queensland Herbarium Regional Ecosystem id code "Description" (text) = Long text description of the regional ecosystem "Euc_present" (text) = Is any eucalypt species present in the regional ecosystem? "n_RE_polys" (integer) = number of polygons of that regional ecosystem in greater Qld "n_koalaocc_recent" (integer) = number of koala records from that regional ecosystem (recent = 01/01/2000 onwards, historical=01/01/1970 to 31/12/1999) "n_koalaocc_inclhist" (integer) = number of koala records from that regional ecosystem (recent = 01/01/2000 onwards, inclhist=01/01/1970 to 18/05/2020) "n_REpolys_withkoala_recent" (integer) = number of polygons of that regional ecosystem where koalas have been recorded from 01/01/2000 onwards "perc_REpolys_withkoala_recent" (float) = percentage of polygons of that regional ecosystem where koalas have been recorded from 01/01/2000 onwards "n_REpolys_withkoala_inclhist" (integer) = number of polygons of that regional ecosystem where koalas have been recorded from 01/01/1970 to 18/05/2020 "perc_REpolys_withkoala_inclhist" (float) = percentage of polygons of that regional ecosystem where koalas have been recorded from 01/01/1970 to 18/05/2020 "Biome" (text) = IBRA7 Bioregion name "Tree_utility" (text) = ranking of tree utility for koala of highest rank tree species in regional ecosystem. Ranking based on quality of literature source (Higher = Species referred to in a variety of reports and literature, the majority of which were definitive studies, described as being an important utility species for koala. Medium = Species referred to in some reports and literature, can be secondary or anecdotal reference to species used by koalas e.g. species included in a factsheet). Low = Species not referred to in any literature or considered a trace food species for koalas from a definitive study, and/or eucalypt. "n_ktreesp" (integer) = number of koala tree species mentioned in the regional ecosystem description "RE_suitability_recent" (text) = Ranking of regional ecosystem utility for koalas, based on fixed criteria. Very high = Higher tree utility & >1% of RE polygons with recent koala records. High = Medium tree utility and > 1% of RE polygons with koala records. Medium = Higher or Medium tree utility and 0-1% of RE polygons with koala records. Low = Koala trees mentioned in RE Description. "RE_suitability_historical" (text) = Ranking of regional ecosystem utility for koalas, based on fixed criteria. Very high = Higher tree utility & >1% of RE polygons with any koala records since 1970. High = Medium tree utility and > 1% of RE polygons with koala records. Medium = Higher or Medium tree utility and 0-1% of RE polygons with koala records. Low = Koala trees mentioned in RE Description. ################################### COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS Koala_tree_list_TableA2.csv (632 rows, 5 columns) List of tree species and their reported use by Koalas in Queensland "Tree species" (text) = Tree species, scientific name "Species utility to koala" (text) = reported utility of tree species to koala (High; Medium; Low; None or unknown) "Bioregion" (text) = Region in which koala are reported to use that tree species "Report title" (text) = Literature source of reported koala use "Short citation" (text) = Short citation of literature source, full reference list can be found in the associated report ################################### COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS RE_sp_tree_suitability_appendix_table1.csv List of regional ecosystems and the koala tree species that are present in each RE. A regional ecosystem may have more than one tree species present, one row per tree species per regional ecosystem. (3054 rows, 4 columns) "RE ID" (text) = Queensland Herbarium Regional Ecosystem id code "RE suitability" (text) = Ranking of regional ecosystem utility for koalas "Tree species" (text) = Tree species used by koala that is present in ecosystem (extracted from regional ecosystem long description) "Species utility to koala" (text) = reported utility of tree species to koala (High; Medium; Low) List and rank of Queensland regional ecosystems by their suitability as koala habitat ###################################END