Gen. et sp. indet.

EXAMINED MATERIAL. — FSAC-Bouj-358 (Fig. 5F), fragment of toothed bone.


The bone supports two subcomplete and four broken teeth, with very reduced interspace. Teeth are labiolingually compressed, with sharp and convex edges and acute apex. The base of the external surface of the tooth shows a small median depression. The pulpar cavity is full. The lingual surface of the bone is smooth. The labial side is concave but less preserved.


The tooth morphology and its position in the bone are very similar to scombroid remains found in the Priabonian beds of Ad-Dakhla (Zouhri et al. 2017). Comparable teeth are retrieved in the extant Acanthocybium Gill, 1862, and in the fossils Aramichthys Signeux, 1959 from the Eocene of Syria and Scomberodon, Neocybium and Palaeocybium Monsch, 2004 from the Eocene of Belgium and England (Leriche 1905, 1910; Signeux 1959; Monsch 2004). Comparable isolated teeth from the Ypresian Phosphate basins of Morocco were referred to Scomberodon dumonti by Arambourg (1952, Cybium dumonti in the text).