This is a README file for the data presented in our RNAAS paper, "Photometric Redshifts in the W-CDF-S and ELAIS-S1 Fields Based on Forced Photometry from 0.36 -- 4.5 Microns" by F. Zou et al. (2021).
Any queries or feedback should be sent to both Guang Yang (Texas A&M University; and Fan Zou (Penn State University; Users should download the latest version of these data before using for their science projects, so that they will benefit from any updates (see the “release history” below).

The data in this folder are explained below.

********** catalog **********
File name: zphot_WCDFS_ES1.fits.
It has two extension HDUs -- the first stores the W-CDF-S data, and the second stores the ELAIS-S1 data.

The table schema of each extension HDU is the following:
# Column 0, "ID": the IDs in the input forced-photometry catalogs, i.e., the catalogs presented in Nyland et al. (in preparation; W-CDF-S) and Zou et al. (2021, RNAAS, 5, 31; ELAIS-S1).
# Column 1-2, "RA" and "Dec": J2000 right ascensions and declinations in degrees, which are taken from the input photometry catalogs and are based on the VIDEO survey.
# Column 3, "zphot": photometric redshifts.
# Column 4-5, "pz_llim" and "pz_ulim": lower and upper 68% confidence limits of the photometric redshifts, respectively.
# Column 6, "Qz": an indication for the photo-z quality. "High-quality" photo-z measurements can be selected by applying Qz < 1.
# Column 7, "zspec": spectroscopic redshifts, if available; see Ni et al. (in preparation).
# Column 8, "ngoodband": number of bands with SNR > 5 detections.
# Column 9-10, "leftgoodband" and "rightgoodband": the band having the shortest and longest wavelength among those bands with SNR > 5 detections, respectively.

********** appendix **********
The file "appendix.pdf" contains several supplementary notes.

********** release history **********
This is version 1, released on 03/13/2021.