COMMON ATTRIBUTES Title: Manually categorized initial training data for open-water/sea-ice/cloud discrimination Author: Stephan Paul Mail: Date: 2021-01-22 Reference: Paul, S. and Huntemann, M.: Improved machine-learning based open-water/sea-ice/cloud discrimination over wintertime Antarctic sea ice using MODIS thermal-infrared imagery, The Cryosphere Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2020. DOI: DATA DESCRIPTION Filenames: Filenames of open-water/sea-ice/cloud discrimination (OSCD) initial training data (itd) follow the following convention oscd_itd_[sentinel_reference_swath].txt; where the sentinel-1 reference swaths are in accordance with Table 2 of the provided reference article Columns: modfile_before_2 Identification [SSS_YYYYJJJ_HHMM] of MODIS swath used temporarily preceding the center MODIS swath [mod_file_center] modfile_before_1 Identification [SSS_YYYYJJJ_HHMM] of MODIS swath used temporarily preceding the center MODIS swath [mod_file_center] mod_file_center Identification [SSS_YYYYJJJ_HHMM] of the center MODIS swath [S=MOD/MYD for Terra or Aqua; Y=Year; J=Day of Year; H=Hour; M=Minute] modfile_after_1 Identification [SSS_YYYYJJJ_HHMM] of MODIS swath used temporarily following the center MODIS swath [mod_file_center] modfile_after_2 Identification [SSS_YYYYJJJ_HHMM] of MODIS swath used temporarily following the center MODIS swath [mod_file_center] lon Center grid-cell longitude in decimal degree lat Center grid-cell latitude in decimal degree class Result of the manual categorization [0=open-water/thin-ice; 1=cloud; 2=sea ice] ch20 Calculated brightness temperatures from MODIS channel 20 ch25 Calculated brightness temperatures from MODIS channel 25 ch31 Calculated brightness temperatures from MODIS channel 31 ch33 Calculated brightness temperatures from MODIS channel 33 ch20norm Normalized MODIS channel 20 data [(ch20-mean)/std] ch25norm Normalized MODIS channel 25 data [(ch25-mean)/std] ch31norm Normalized MODIS channel 31 data [(ch31-mean)/std] ch33norm Normalized MODIS channel 33 data [(ch33-mean)/std] ist Ice-surface temperature (IST) of the center MODIS swath [mod_file_center] calculated from MODIS channels 31 and 32 ist_dm2 IST of MODIS swath [modfile_before_2] ist_dm1 IST of MODIS swath [modfile_before_1] ist_dp1 IST of MODIS swath [modfile_after_1] ist_dp2 IST of MODIS swath [modfile_after_2] dt_ist_dm2 Time-normalized IST difference to MODIS swath [modfile_before_2] dt_ist_dm1 Time-normalized IST difference to MODIS swath [modfile_before_1] dt_ist_dp1 Time-normalized IST difference to MODIS swath [modfile_after_1] dt_ist_dp2 Time-normalized IST difference to MODIS swath [modfile_after_2] glcm_ch20_avg Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) metric MEAN for MODIS channel 20 glcm_ch25_avg GLCM MEAN for MODIS channel 25 glcm_ch31_avg GLCM MEAN for MODIS channel 31 glcm_ch33_avg GLCM MEAN for MODIS channel 33 glcm_ch20_var Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) metric VARIANCE for MODIS channel 20 glcm_ch25_var GLCM VARIANCE for MODIS channel 25 glcm_ch31_var GLCM VARIANCE for MODIS channel 31 glcm_ch33_var GLCM VARIANCE for MODIS channel 33 glcm_ch20_con Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) metric CONTRAST for MODIS channel 20 glcm_ch25_con GLCM CONTRAST for MODIS channel 25 glcm_ch31_con GLCM CONTRAST for MODIS channel 31 glcm_ch33_con GLCM CONTRAST for MODIS channel 33 glcm_ch20_ent Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) metric ENTROPY for MODIS channel 20 glcm_ch25_ent GLCM ENTROPY for MODIS channel 25 glcm_ch31_ent GLCM ENTROPY for MODIS channel 31 glcm_ch33_ent GLCM ENTROPY for MODIS channel 33