Litoblatta brasiliensis (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865)

(Figs. 27–33, 72)

Ischnoptera brasiliensis Brunner von Wattenwyl 1865: 130, tab III. fig. 12, Loboptera laurenziana Giglio-Tos 1897: 2, Litoblatta brasiliensis Hebard 1921: 238, pl. 10, figs. 14–17. Litoblatta brasiliensis Crespo & Valverde 2008: 173, fig.16, Litoblatta brasiliensis Crespo et al. 2010: 7,8, 24, fig. 3.

Material examined. ARGENTINA. 2♁, locality, date and coll. missing ( MLP ) . Province of Córdoba: ♁, locality missing, 20/XI/1948, López P. coll. (IFML). Province of Corrientes: ♁, San Cayetano, II /2009, Patittucci L. coll. (FCEN); 2♁, Departamento T. de Apóstol, Manantiales, XI/1946, coll. missing, (IFML). Province of La Rioja: ♁, locality missing, 28/X/1930, Gómez M. coll. (MACN). Province of Salta: ♁, Forestal (35 km from J.B. González), 18/XII/1979, Leg. Turk S. & Fonollat P. (IFML).

Diagnosis. Right paraproct with a group of long spines, apically divergent (Fig. 28). Right stylus with rounded apex (Figs. 29–30). R1P with a quadrangular scale zone sz distally (Figs. 33, 72).

Male. Measurements in mm. N= 8. PL: 3.00‾3.66; TeL: 12.61‾15.27; TL: 15.43‾18.33; IO: 0.70‾0.80; IOc: 0.40‾0.80; IA: 0.80‾0.90. Supra anal plate apical margin with a medial notch (Fig. 27). Right stylus with rounded apex (Figs. 29–30). Right paraproct with a group of long spines, apically divergent (Fig. 28). R1P with a quadrangular scale zone sz distally (Figs. 31–33, 72).

Female. Apterous, described by Hebard 1921. Our female specimens could not be associated with males.

Distribution. Argentina-Provinces of Córdoba, Corrientes, La Rioja and Salta.